Tag Archives: new year prep

Good Monday Morning, Blogland.  I hope everyone had a lovely holiday. In our house we celebrate both secular Christmas and Candlenights (which started as a joke but has become a legitimate celebration). Whether you observe the Solstice or light your Menorah, I hope you have had a peaceful and joyous season.  Last Week If you’ll recall, I set no formal goals last week. I wanted to continue to enjoy my time off by playing video games and preparing for the holidays. Let me tell you, after a blur of Candlenights, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day my cup runneth over with food and family.  I woke up this morning and felt that slow little trickle of interest in goals and goal setting. So let’s see how far it can take us… What’s Next? Newsletter Prep End of year prep/blog posts prep Edit and post new podcast episode So, you know. A…

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