Fresh Plots

It’s New Year’s Eve, as of this writing. A chilly, rain-showery day where the sun peeks out for just a wink before retreating behind clouds again. Yesterday was a busy one, spent working an event with the spouse’s business. Today I’m sore from lifting and moving furniture and decor. A perfect excuse to sit and do some of the blogging/writing admin I’d been procrastinating.  Last Month Write 20k words on the novel Read a ton Get back into workout routine How’d I Do? Write 20k words on the novel No. Not even close. Read a ton No? I read three books, which was nowhere near the number I had in mind when I set this goal. That said… I’m really happy I read three books! Get back into workout routine Hahahahaha Monthly Word Count: 1,639 I learned a lot this December. I learned that November Brittany is riding the high…

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Huh. For the first time in a long time, I don’t know what to say at the cusp of a new year. I still feel so close to all the things that happened in 2022 – many of them still feel in-progress! It’s difficult to separate them into one year versus the other in my brain. But, that’s what this blog post is for. A space to look back, assess, and then take the first quaking steps into the future. If you’re new to my blog (in the last few months or so), then please allow me to introduce you to this phenomena of the yearly reflection. I’ve been writing up annual goals and reflecting on them online since January 2012 (you can dig through the old site if you REALLY want to read 22 year-old B.’s thoughts). Over the years the format has streamlined, honed into something familiar and…

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LOLcraft: A Compendium of Eldritch Humor is available now! This anthology of horrific hilarity collects 36 stories, including my short story “Bell Biv Derailed”. If you like snark, grumpy old men, and/or tentacled-moose-monsters, then this is the story for you! When you’re done drying your eyes from laughing so hard, you can then move on to the next story in this Funny Fear Fest.  The book is available in both Kindle eBook and Paperback. Buy it Now!

Good Monday Morning, Blogland.  I hope everyone had a lovely holiday. In our house we celebrate both secular Christmas and Candlenights (which started as a joke but has become a legitimate celebration). Whether you observe the Solstice or light your Menorah, I hope you have had a peaceful and joyous season.  Last Week If you’ll recall, I set no formal goals last week. I wanted to continue to enjoy my time off by playing video games and preparing for the holidays. Let me tell you, after a blur of Candlenights, Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day my cup runneth over with food and family.  I woke up this morning and felt that slow little trickle of interest in goals and goal setting. So let’s see how far it can take us… What’s Next? Newsletter Prep End of year prep/blog posts prep Edit and post new podcast episode So, you know. A…

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If you aren’t aware, the pandemic supply chain issues have led to shortage of many prescription medications. One of which has been ADHD treatments. I watched the wave of dwindling supply sweep through the various medications – Adderall went first, then Ritalin and its numerous variations. And so it reached me. Concerta is on back order with no ETA on when it will be available again.  As of this writing (Friday 12/23/22) This is my sixth consecutive day without my meds. The longest I’ve gone without them since April. I do not like it. I’ve grown too accustomed to having my focus on demand, to pointing my attention to whatever task and completing it.  That simply is not an option now. It’s taken me almost 45 minutes to write this much. My search history of the last hour includes such hits as “Van Gogh bipolar,” “grow light string lights,” and…

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For your enjoyment, I present my Taco Bell Quarterly reject. This story is a Baja Blast-fueled, Speculative homage to that liminal quality of the Taco Bell drive-thru at 2am. Three Lessons Learned at the Taco Bell at the Edge of the Universe by B. Zelkovich Lesson #1: Fast, Friendly Service. Guaranteed. Ding! “Welcome to the Taco Bell at the Edge of Universe, where anything’s possible. What can we get for you today?” Often customers don’t realize these microphones are some of the best in galaxy — at the order box, we can hear everything. And I love it when they argue. “Ooh, ooh! I want that thing with the cheese and the crunch!” “There’s like, eighty things that say ‘cheese’ or ‘crunch’.” “It’s your planet’s food!” “That doesn’t mean I know—“ A third voice says, “I believe the rodent is referring to the… Cheesy Gordita Crunch Cravings Box.” “Yeah! That!”…

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I know it’s been a minute. Sorry about that, but I can explain. Basically, the last week of school before Winter Break is utter insanity. I worked almost 6 hours on Saturday, had to help choreograph a dance, got up early each day to prep for a Secret Santa gift exchange, and had dress up days, dance rehearsals, and prep for an assembly.  By the time I got home each day, I had no bandwidth left to do anything even remotely writing related. So, I didn’t fight it. I just survived the week. Sometimes, that’s all you can ask of yourself. Last… Week? Write 5,000 words Read a book Workout at least 4 times How’d I Do? Write 5,000 words No. Read a book … yes? Workout at least 4 times Lol, no. Weekly Word Count: 0 Look, as I mentioned above, I basically took the week off from all…

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Welcome! We kept this week’s walk short and close to home for two reasons: It was freezing and sleeting. It was my birthday, and I didn’t particularly love the idea of spending it freezing in the sleet. Now let’s see if I can keep this blog post just as short… Wes Bennett Park If I asked you to picture a suburban, neighborhood park, odds are you’d imagine something very similar to Wes Bennet Park. It’s set on the corner of a neighborhood block, with tall pine trees creating a sort of barrier between it, the elementary school next door, and the busier street on its west side. It has a sloped, healthy green field outlined in cement walking paths, as well as playground equipment, a splash pad, and half of a basketball court.  It is a gathering place for families and children during the warmer months, and a popular walking…

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Good morning, Blogland!  As of this writing, it is currently my birthday! So far it’s been spent walking the dog, drinking coffee (from my new Dragon Age mug and coffee warmer – thanks, hon!) and fangirling over all things Dragon Age because… It’s Unofficial Dragon Age Day! every year, the Dragon Age fandom gets together to celebrate all things Dragon Age on my birthday (12/4), so as an extra special treat, I get to stare at gorgeous art and submerse myself in all the fandom goodness of my favorite video game. I won’t blather on about it here, but suffice it to say that I’ve had a wonderful time.  I also talked to my mom for awhile and Trev is going to make steaks for dinner after we play more God of War together. It’s been a very nice, very chill birthday and I LOVE that for me.  So let’s…

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I’m tired, Blogland. I’m finally resurfacing after a long weekend, topped with travel mishaps and drizzled in a migraine. It’s been a doozy of the last few days and I damn near forgot what day it was. You know, as in tomorrow is December somehow.  Like, fore real though. How is it December already?! Last Month Write 50k words (+/- 5k) Workout/Read 30 minutes a day Enjoy Family Time How’d I Do? Write 50k words (+/- 5k) Nope. Workout/Read 30 minutes a day Nope. Enjoy Family Time Yes? Total Word Count: 37,661 Ok. Real talk. I KNOW that almost 40k words in 30 days is impressive. I know that. I know that I should be thrilled with this kind of output, and somewhere deep down inside, I think I am proud and pleased with the work I’ve put in this month. But as of right now, all I feel is…

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