I’m tired, Blogland. I’m finally resurfacing after a long weekend, topped with travel mishaps and drizzled in a migraine. It’s been a doozy of the last few days and I damn near forgot what day it was. You know, as in tomorrow is December somehow.
Like, fore real though. How is it December already?!
Last Month
- Write 50k words (+/- 5k)
- Workout/Read 30 minutes a day
- Enjoy Family Time
How'd I Do?
- Write 50k words (+/- 5k)
- Nope.
- Workout/Read 30 minutes a day
- Nope.
- Enjoy Family Time
- Yes?
Total Word Count: 37,661
Ok. Real talk. I KNOW that almost 40k words in 30 days is impressive. I know that. I know that I should be thrilled with this kind of output, and somewhere deep down inside, I think I am proud and pleased with the work I’ve put in this month. But as of right now, all I feel is tired and bummed that I didn’t eke out eight thousand more words to reach my goal.
Please feel free to tell me I’m ridiculous. I need to hear it, to be honest.
I did not workout much at all this month, but I did read a TON! I read five books this month, which felt AMAZING! I freaking love reading y’all, and somehow I forgot that? Books are so cool, and the books I read this month did a lot to remind me of that fact.

As for my time with family… I don’t want to go into too many details about that question mark. The trip was good. I did what I set out to do, even if it wasn’t quite in the fashion I’d hoped. I saw my grandma for the first time in almost five years and got all of our family together at one table to celebrate her birthday. That is enough. That is good enough. Anything and everything else is just… stuff, I suppose. I’ll be unpacking the weekend for a while yet and hope that I did enough to have memories to cherish in the years to come.
Hours Check
- Nanowrimo Project: 25 Hours
- Reading: 21 Hours
- Willamette Writers Meetings: 10.5 Hours
- Website Management: 17 Hours
- Working Out: 2.5 Hours
- Podcast: 6.5 Hours
- Misc. Pitches: .5 Hours
- Queries: 2 Hours
- Submissions: 1 Hour
Total Hours: 60.5 Hours
Well, that’s a lot of hours y’all. Like, nothing to sneeze at amounts of time spent on this writerly life. 25 hours spent writing sounds unreal to me, and that reading was a close second at 21 hours?!
And of course, the website took up the huge chunk of time it always does. It’s a labor of love though, I tell you what. I’m so happy I have this little corner of the internet to call my own. Especially as social media landscapes are particularly tumultuous at the moment. It’s quite nice to have my feet on solid ground, so to speak.
Queries and submissions continue to be slow and mostly unexciting. I have some writerly admin to catch up on in the next couple days. Rejections to log on The Submission Grinder, queries to send out, etc., It’ll be nice to take stock of where things are and get rooted into my rhythms once more.
Because right now I’m feeling particularly adrift, and I do not like it.
- Write 20k words on the novel
- Read a ton
- Get back into workout routine
I’ll be painfully honest, I’m feeling pretty unmotivated and generally dreadful right now. I am submersed in a melancholy I didn’t expect after traveling home from the long weekend with my family. I won’t get into all the details here, but I will say that this foul mood has tainted my outlook on the next month. These goals are… subpar. I could want better. I should want better. But this is all I’ve got.
But, if I can take a step back and look at these goals, really they’re here to help me get back to my usual, somewhat upbeat self. I need to read more. I love reading, it gives me great joy and I need to read broadly this next month to squeeze the most out of every page. And I need to get my eating and workouts back on track. We all struggle with eating healthy during the holidays, and I’m not one to deny myself, so now’s the time to get back to tracking and working out, so I can be my best self.
And of course, there’s the book. After writing almost 40,000 words this month, it feels really good to cut the word count goal down to a more reasonable amount. To know I only need to write a few nights each week and can go back to being an author AND a human… it feels amazing!
So maybe there’s a little hope in these goals after all.
On that slightly upbeat note, let’s call it there. I’ll be back on Monday with the usual Goals Summary. Until then, Bloggos.
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