Another blog post? On time? Maybe that weekend at the coast knocked something loose and got my butt in gear… one can only hope.
May Goals
- Finish Tavi (Something Sulfurous) Revision
- Finalize Query Package
- Submit The Finest Creation of an Artful God
How'd I Do?
- Finish Tavi (Something Sulfurous) Revision
- Nope. But I am working on it now and am a few chapters in.
- Finalize Query Package
- YES!!!! Yes. Yes. Yes. YES! This is done and just waiting for the manuscript to be “done” so I can start querying! SO. CLOSE.
- Submit The Finest Creation of an Artful God
- *sigh* No. But again, I’m close. Just need to harass my beta readers and get some feedback to be sure it’s ready to send.
Total Word Count: 1,208
That… doesn’t feel great. That word count could be a lot higher. But… it just isn’t. My brain was in revision mode, which is honestly where I need it to be right now, so I can’t be too mad about it. Right?
Hours Check
Let’s take a closer look at how I spent my time in the month of May. DISCLAIMER: I was a little hit-and-miss with my tracking this month thanks to being sick for an entire week, but I did better than I did in March or April so…
- Willamette Writers Meetings: 7.5 Hours
- This was one thing I did not neglect during my weeklong invalidity. I showed up to that Zoom meeting, half-conscious and snot-filled, propped up in bed by a mountain of pillows.
- Working Out: 3 Hours
- This was a good habit that got wrecked by my being sick. I’m just now — this week! — feeling up to getting back to working out.
- Reading: 8.5 Hours
- I’m really trying to carve out time to read more. I feel like, when I don’t workout, I read. And when I don’t read, I workout. That’s not a great pattern, but I’m not quite sure how to fix it just yet.
- Writing – Fanifc: 2 Hours
- This should have been a higher number, but I’m a little bit stymied by this project at the moment. Lots of canon dialogue takes time to digest before I can get it tweaked into the fic.
- Podcast: 3.5 Hours
- I FINALLY edited and posted the April episode of the show. Hurray! *sad kazoo sound*
- Short Story Submissions: 2 Hours
- A busy month for short story submissions! I think what happened is that I received several rejections while I was sick, and had to deal with them all at once when I felt well enough to do so.
- Revising – The Finest Creation of an Artful God: 1 Hour
- This story is now on its third draft and is feeling good. It was a clean draft to start with, so I just need some reader feedback and then do a polish/tweak draft.
- Website Management: 8 Hours
- Holy Moly! That’s some high quality time spent on getting this site back to some semblance of normal. You love to see it.
- Revising – Query Package: 2.5 Hours
- Heck yes! This was a scary job that didn’t actually take as long as I feared. It’s now polished and shiny and ready to go whenever the manuscript is.
Total Hours: 37
For having a whole week off, sick in bed, a lot of shit sure seemed to get done. Or if not done, progress was made. Time was spent. I am satisfied.

June Goals
- Finish Something Sulfurous revision
- Polish and submit The Finest Creation of an Artful God
- Write two chapters of Victoria
I feel like these goals are at once terrifying and totally attainable. The first half of the month will be dedicated to Something Sulfurous, knocking out that revision and finally putting this book behind me (and querying it, if any agents are open).
The second half of the month will be dedicated to drafting Victoria. Two chapters isn’t much, I know, but I also know that this book doesn’t flow out of me the way other stories have in the past. It takes its time and its toll on me. The good news is I’ll be off for the summer and able to spend more hours a day on the drafting process. I’m hopeful that having more time to stew and process will lead to more productive time spent in the chair.
And somewhere in there I’ll refine and perfect (ha!) The Finest Creation of an Artful God. Easy peasy.
*snorts* yeah. Easy.
Until next time Bloggos,