Well, being on Day 9 of quarantine wasn’t how I planned to spend the last weeks of June, but here we are. What impact did that have on the month?
Let’s find out!
June Goals
- Finish Something Sulfurous revision
- Polish and submit The Finest Creation of an Artful God
- Write two chapters of Victoria
How'd I Do?
- Finish Something Sulfurous revision
- YES! YESYESYESYESYES! It is finished!
- Polish and submit The Finest Creation of an Artful God
- Yep. Yeppity-yep. This story is done and on submission.
- Write two chapters of Victoria
- Yes. Ahem, most definitely yes. Maybe more like… six chapters? Or you know., all of them?
Total Word Count: 20,389
Oh, how not having to go to work every day suddenly makes way for writing endeavors. Being quarantined has also been helpful, in its own way. I haven’t been too ill, but being unable to leave the house means I’ve been in writing mode for basically two weeks straight, uninterrupted.

It’s interesting because, realistically, nothing has changed from summer 2020. The pandemic is still here, clearly – I’ve been locked in my house since LAST Wednesday. Civil unrest has not improved, our government is decaying from the inside out and everything is a raging dumpster fire. I’m angry, but I’m better at carrying that anger? I’ve leveled up? I can still appreciate sunshine and Halsey bops and the sweetness in caring for an ill loved one (and being cared for in return).
It’s not hope. I don’t feel hopeful, or hopeless for that matter. And I think that’s the difference? I felt hopeless in 2020. I don’t feel hopeless today. I cannot begin to tell you why.
Maybe because I survived? Because the writing came back after all? Yeah, that could be it…
Hours Check
All right. Let’s see where all this productivity came from. Let’s see how many hours it took to get all this shit done.
- The Finest Creation of an Artful God: 2 Hours
- I just needed to incorporate feedback and do a couple revision passes to get this done. It didn’t take too long. This story is now out on submission.
- Something Sulfurous: 11.5 Hours
- This was a big job – the final revision pass of an entire novel. It took a bit of time, spread out across a couple of weeks. But it’s done, and I am so proud of the book I ended up with. Now if I can just find an agent that loves it as much as I do…
- Victoria: 8.5 Hours
- That it took less than nine hours to finish this book… Is at once hilarious and depressing. This draft plagued me. It haunted me, whispering that it was there and needed worked on when I did literally ANYTHING else. but it intimidated me. It’s a little book full of big things. A little book trying to do a lot. And it’s my most challenging manuscript from a craft perspective. And I think I was afraid of it, in some ways. But it’s done. Done done done. Well, the rough draft is, at least. I’ll worry about revisions later.
- Fanfic: 7.5 Hours
- With all my original fiction projects suddenly “done”, I have a lot of free time to hammer out fanfic! As a treat.
- Reading: 27 Hours
- Migraines always lead to listening to an audiobook. It’s my one good thing from being debilitated. I lay in the dark and listen to stories.
- Willamette Writers Meetings: 13.5 Hours
- With summer here, I suddenly have more time to go to meetings! Hooray!
- Podcast: 0 Hours
- I don’t want to talk about it.
- Working out: 1 Hour
- Kinda hard to workout when you’re convalescing. Just saying.
- Website Management: 13 Hours
- The website has seen consistent updates, as well as the Newsletter going out on time. So… lots of good things happening there!
- Story Submissions: .5 Hours
- Summer months are slow for publishing. but finishing a new story means I spent a little bit of time sifting through potential markets, personalizing a cover letter, and sending off the submission per the market’s guidelines. It can be tedious, but it’s worth it. And I’ve got it down to a pretty good routine by now.
- Querying: 4 Hours
- If short story submissions are tedious… I don’t know how to describe the querying process. Agents are harder to research than markets. What they want, and how they want it, is harder to find. There doesn’t seem to be an actual industry standard as far as what an agent wants in a “Query Package” and failing to follow their individual guidelines is grounds for instant rejection. Which I get. They get thousands of queries a week! You gotta be able to thin the heard quickly, and if a writer isn’t willing to follow your guidelines, would you want to work with them? I don’t begrudge agents their rules, I just wish it didn’t take so damn long to sort through it all. But, now that the initial round of submissions is done, I’m hopeful that it won’t take this long again.
- Roe v. Wade writing: 1 Hour
- I wrote a story and a poem in response to the SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Are they good? Probably not. Did they help? Probably not. But it felt REALLY good to write from a place of absolute fury. If you’re a Newsletter subscriber, you saw one of the poems in this month’s newsletter, (if you’d like to subscribe, you can do so here!) but I doubt the story will ever see the light of day. That’s okay. Some writing can be just for me.
Total Hours: 89.5
Can I just say… I’m really fucking sick of being sick. I feel like I’ve spent so much time feeling unwell this spring. Whether a cold, COVID, or migraines, I’ve just spent so much time under the weather. And I think that’s some bullshit. Even now, I’m coming off a migraine (day three, babeyy) and it’s still twinge-ing and generally being a little bitch. And I am so over it. That said, this is by far my most productive month. Look at that word count? Those hours? And the majority of it happened in the past two weeks. Thank goodness I’m vaccinated, or I’m betting I would have been MUCH less productive.
I also want to be clear, if you are ill and home sick from work… Uh. Don’t fucking work. I’m doing writing work that is for ME while I am (basically) unemployed for the summer. I am not doing work for someone else or for some corporation while ill. Nope. Nope nope nope. Never ever. Don’t do that. Okay?

July Goals
- Read at least 4 books
- Write at least 5,000 words of fanfic
- Fill the well
I honestly have no idea how to set goals for this month. I can’t remember the last time I didn’t have a project to work on. I am adrift. Adrift and at peace. I just want to read and write whatever I want. Play video games and go hiking and visit the ocean.
Oh my god, how I YEARN for the sea. I think it’s the first thing I’m going to do once I’m COVID-free. Get in the car and drive to the coast. Maybe see some whales? Eat a burger and watch the sunset in Depoe Bay?
So, yeah. That’s where I’m at. Reading anything and everything of interest. Writing lots of fanfic. Maybe looking at some old/unfinished short stories to see if anything cleaves to my brain and begs to be worked on. But that’s it. That’s all I’ve got for July.
I’m excited to see what comes from such blissfully low expectations.
I’ll be back soon to wrap up the first half of the year and re-affirm goals for the last six months.
Until then, Bloggos.