Tag Archives: writing conferences

Well, this isn’t ideal. But, better late than never, yes? Last Week Write 3x Record Podcast Finish reading something Newsletter Prep How’d I Do? Write 3x No. But I did write once, which is better than prior weeks.  Record Podcast Yes! Finish reading something Yes! Newsletter Prep Lol, no.  Weekly Word Count: 1,150 Look. Two out of four isn’t the worst. There was a lot on my plate last week, and if you’ve read the most recent Recap, you know that April just wasn’t a gret month for productivity. Or schedules. Or, you know, the writing life in general.  Honorable Mentions There was some good last week though. I wrote a little, read a little. Saw friends and had a delicious meal outside of our half-demolished house. I spent time in the sun at the Terroir Creative Writing Festival, sharing lunch, a car ride, and good vibes with my critique…

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Well. We’re still Airbnb-ing it, which makes the deep dive, detailed sort of planning and goals assessment… Difficult.  I’m doing my best y’all.  Last (?) Week Write 10k Send Newsletter Record Podcast Survive this crazy week How’d I Do? Write 10k Lol. No. Send Newsletter Yes! It even went out on time! Record Podcast No? But also yes. You see, we had to push it back a week due to a migraine, but it’s recorded and will be released soon! Survive this crazy week Yes. That is technically true.  Weekly(ish) Word Count: 1,540 Without my whiteboard, the word count thing is a bit trickier to track. I’ve done a bit of math – which is never recommended – and this is what I came up with. Its accuracy is suspect, but I’m running with it.  I did a bit of reading over the last couple weeks, though not much. I…

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In some ways, it still feels like I’m processing the conference. It’s blurry, a mishmash of faces and conversations – most organic, some crafted during certain events. There’s a pocket in my backpack full of business cards and scribbled names and email addresses. All folks I want to keep in touch with. I have a lot of emails to write… The conference kicked off (unofficially) Thursday night with a Writer’s Fair, that was open and free to the public (w/proof of vaccination and masks). It was an extremely casual look at local writing organizations (Wordcrafters in Eugene, SFWA, Astoria Writers Guild, etc.,) with a little social hour complete with a full-service bar and appetizers. We also celebrated the release of The Timberline Review, and heard some WONDERFUL readers! I wore my best “Summer Speculative” look and got to meet my critique partners Nan C Ballard and Laura Cranehill IN PERSON!…

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