Tag Archives: work in progress

Is this too many WIPs? It feels like too many WIPs. Also, WIP = Work in Progress, which really means the plural should be Works in Progress, which means the acronym should be WsIP, but that doesn’t roll of the tongue quite so well, sooooo…. Also, I am terrible at naming my projects before they’re done. Look at these working titles… “Crazy Cat Lady?” That’s now Something Sulfurous. “Woman in the Woods?” The Finest Creation of an Artful God. Sadly, Victoria isn’t done yet, so that project is just referred to by the main character’s name.  Which is normal for me. Between “Crazy Cat Lady” and Something Sulfurous, the novel was simply called “Tavi”. An epic fantasy series I’m “working” on (*snorts*) is just called “Jordinn’s Story”. I HATE titling novels. Short stories are fun, because you can find a line or an image and run with it, but for…

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