Tag Archives: word counts

It’s a chilly, but clear day today. Everything is crisp – sights, sounds, smells. It’s all fragile and frigid and begging for care and consideration, even as the blue sky beckons through the window.  Last week was long, Blogland. It felt longer than the whole rest of the month so far, and while I’m looking forward to this holiday week, I’m also exceedingly anxious about it.  You know, the usual.  Last Week Nano Catch Up (31,673) Finish Reading The Perfect Crimes of Marian Hayes Workout/Read for 30 minutes a day How’d I Do? Nano Catch Up (31,673) YES! Finish Reading The Perfect Crimes of Marian Hayes YES! Workout/Read for 30 minutes a day YES! Weekly Word Count: 14,402 I feel like it’s been a long time since I achieved all of my goals in a week. I also feel as though I should be much more excited about this accomplishment, but I’m…

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