Tag Archives: winter walks

Welcome! It’s that time again, Gang! And thankfully, this week we actually got to enjoy a park uninterrupted! If you’re wondering what the heck I’m talking about, please check out last week’s Outings! post. If this is your first time here and you’re wondering what in all hells is an Outings! post, start here.  Clark Creek Park This city park is deceptive as hell. Your odds of simply driving by it are low, since it isn’t on any main street – the street it is on is a winding back street with older houses on larger swathes of land than is common these days. The first time I saw this park I had deliberately decided to get lost and adventure through the city. we’d just moved to Oregon and I had a lot of curiosity about roads that weren’t on a grid like in Phoenix.  I can’t help it, y’all.…

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