Tag Archives: video games

Good morning, Blogland!  As of this writing, it is currently my birthday! So far it’s been spent walking the dog, drinking coffee (from my new Dragon Age mug and coffee warmer – thanks, hon!) and fangirling over all things Dragon Age because… It’s Unofficial Dragon Age Day! every year, the Dragon Age fandom gets together to celebrate all things Dragon Age on my birthday (12/4), so as an extra special treat, I get to stare at gorgeous art and submerse myself in all the fandom goodness of my favorite video game. I won’t blather on about it here, but suffice it to say that I’ve had a wonderful time.  I also talked to my mom for awhile and Trev is going to make steaks for dinner after we play more God of War together. It’s been a very nice, very chill birthday and I LOVE that for me.  So let’s…

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Well, as anticipated, the start of school threw me for a loop. Y’all. Kids are a lot. And add to it that I had to checkout a chromebook to every single student in three days? I’m exhausted. Or, at least, I was by Friday. Luckily, this weekend was very relaxing and I’m feeling fairly high energy as I write this. I promise that isn’t just the Cold Brew talking. Let’s take a look at what happened last week: Last Week Victoria Query Package Rough Draft Read 20 minutes/day Write some fanfic? How’d I Do? Victoria Query Package Rough Draft Nope. One might even argue that I actively avoided this. Read 20 minutes/day YES! And yes, I’m counting fanfic. If I tell students it counts as reading, then it counts for me too. I read A LOT of fanfic this past week (was it mine? Maybe….) Write some fanfic? Yes! I FINALLY returned to…

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Gang! It’s Monday! You know what that means? Yeah you do – it’s blog time! Last Week Finish a chapter of HFW fic Finish The Secret Ingredient Read a book Finish The Hard Decisions How’d I Do? Finish a chapter of HFW fic Nope. I looked at it a couple of times, and reread the whole fic so far to get back into the story. But I didn’t put any words down on it this week. Finish The Secret Ingredient Yes! I’d thought the story had fizzled, but I sat down to it and the ending wrote itself in an hour. That was really nice. Read a book No. I’ve been playing video games in my non-writing time… Finish The Hard Decisions No… Didn’t even look at it this week. Weekly Word Count: 608 Well… that’s not much writing. Or progress. Or much of anything. So what the heck DID happen last week? Honorable…

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Look. Drafting Victoria has been very slow, okay? It’s just a weird book. It doesn’t call to me the way other drafts have. It makes no demands. When I do sit down to work on it, it flows out of me without much effort at all, which is amazing! But, with my delightful ADHD brain, sitting down to work on something that isn’t obsessing me is honestly painful.  Once I’m there, it’s fine. I put on my headphones, jam out to my baller playlist (listen here!), and hammer out some words. But getting there is HARD. The other night I wrote in a whirlwind and wound up with almost 1300 words. A great evening of output, to be sure. So what did I do? Nope.  Unh-uh. Not that either… What’s that? “Play Horizon Forbidden West?” DING DING DING! When it comes to my brain, rewards don’t really work. They become…

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Remeber when I said I didn’t have high hopes for my productivity this week? Ha. Ha. Ha. Last Week Tavi Query + Synopsis Revision Spend >2hrs with Victoria Write/Prep Newsletter Podcast How’d I Do? Tavi Query + Synopsis Revision Nope. Spend >2hrs with Victoria Nope. Write/Prep Newsletter Nope. I’m really sorry about this and will get it out sometime this week. Pinky promise! (Maybe sign up if you haven’t already? And if you do, don’t forget to check your spam box!) Podcast Yes! Recording went… slowly. there were a lot of technical issues, but we eventually sorted it out and got the show on the road! Weekly Word Count: 0 Well. I knew it was going to be a rough week for productivity. Mainly because I have no self control and I played over 50 hours of Horizon Forbidden West. I think at this point I’m just going to focus on finishing the game…

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I know, I know, this is late. But with the holiday and a highly anticipated video game released on Friday, my schedules and routines have been severely impacted. There’s lots I forgot to do, and the weekly update was one of them. Sorry.  (ALSO, Horizon Forbidden West is amazing and I have zero regrets.) Last Week Send Query + Synopsis to Mentor Spend at least 2 hours with Victoria Read The Secret Skin by Wendy N. Wagner How’d I Do? Send Query + Synopsis to Mentor Yep! This was a big challenge — synopses are not my fave — but I got it done.  Spend at least 2 hours with Victoria So close! I spent about an hour and a half on Victoria this week, and I’m calling it a win. It’s output and it’s consistent. Win. Read The Secret Skin by Wendy N. Wagner Yep! It was quite good, creepy in all the best ways…

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