Tag Archives: #TheLongestDay

This post probably should have happened yesterday, but there was absolutely no juice left in the tank to talk about anything even remotely writing related. Also, we found out we’d been exposed to COVID yesterday and Trevor tested positive, so I really viewed the day as one of rest and resetting. Today is a day of action, I think. We’re quarantining through the first week of good weather here in like, 10 months, so I’m sunbathing on the front porch as I write this. I’m going to write this post, work on this month’s newsletter, and then do some choring around the house so Trevor doesn’t have to convalesce in a sty. But, first things first, how did The Longest Day go? The Longest Day So, I’ve already had a whole blog post introducing the idea – I won’t rehash all that here. But, to sum up, a bunch of…

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Memory is such a strange part of the human experience. Some memories are just so visceral, recordings of moments that shaped us, nevermind their seeming insignificance. Meanwhile, others fade away to brief flashes and fuzzy imprints, no matter how desperately we want to cling to them. I distinctly remember when I learned about the longest day of the year. I was seven, and didn’t understand what a solstice was, or what it really meant as far as planetary movements and their impacts on weather and temperature. That all went (and, let’s be honest, still kinda goes) over my head. But, I knew that, when my dad woke me up far too early on our Pacific Northwest vacation, the sun shouldn’t be up yet.  We were in Newport, Oregon, on our way to see Keiko at the Oregon Coast Aquarium. It was my first visit to the PNW, and even as…

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