Tag Archives: short story submissions

Well, will you look at that! A blog post? On time?  Last Week Write at least 1k words of the novel Send Newsletter Edit and Schedule Podcast Timberline Review Edits How’d I Do? Write at least 1k words of the novel Lol, no. Send Newsletter Yes! The April Newsletter is in your inbox! Unless… I mean. You’re signed up, right? Edit and Schedule Podcast Yep! The newest episode of Top Shelf Librarians is out now! Timberline Review Edits Yep! Weekly Word Count: 455 Considering that I didn’t even set my goals until Thursday, I am not mad about this. Operating amid renovation chaos is a new, not-so-fun challenge, but I think I’m beginning to adapt. The good news is that there is power in my office once again! Because, lemme tell ya, it is damn near impossible to get any work done in the dark.  So, What’s Next? Write at least 2x…

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