Tag Archives: romance fiction

This week went by quick, a blur of late night writing, bedtime reading, and morning spent in the fog. Throw in a good friend’s nuptials and the spouse down and out with a sprained ankle, and I can hardly tell if I’m coming or going.  Last Week Get word count back on track (20,004 words by end of day Saturday) Workout/Read 30 minutes a day Edit and post podcast How’d I Do? Get word count back on track (20,004 words by end of day Saturday) So. I got caught up on Thursday. I even had a tiny bit of cushion. Then Friday was a friend’s wedding, Trev got hurt (he’s okay!), and then Saturday was busy with helping out with the business since Trev’s out of commission for the next week or so thanks to his sprained ankle. So, now I’m behind again. I want to call this a mixed…

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