Tag Archives: revision

Another week, another blog post. It’s been so long since I consecutively posted that this feels… strange? And yet, familiar? Even before the pandemic, I wasn’t always the most consistent poster and I don’t want to make you think I’m entirely reformed — I’m sure I’ll fall off this wagon eventually. But the pandemic just really through a wrench in all my routines, like it did for everyone. It’s just weird to feel like I’m recovering when the pandemic doesn’t seem to be. I’ll not look a gift horse in the mouth — ADHDetour — That particular idiom comes from the practice of aging horses by their teeth. If someone gave you a horse and the first thing you did was check its teeth to figure out how old it was, that’d be hella rude. So we have a saying about not doing that — ADHDetour — For now I’m…

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Blogland, I’m tired. I’m writing this post after spending the better part of four hours revising Tavi. My brain is mush. In the best possible way. As far as the week went, it was mostly decent. I got to host a program in the library, which was relatively well attended, and I got to do my Pop-Up Library on Friday. The Husbando and I have been enjoying going out to eat again, and i spent an entire evening with my best friend. It was a good week for me as a person.  But, was it a good week for my writing? Let’s find out! Last Week Revise at least 10 chapters of Tavi Spend at least 4 hours with Victoria Finish reading Things in Jars and read The Last Graduate by Naomi Novik How’d I Do? Revise at least 10 chapters of Tavi Yes! I actually binged and got 20(?) done. Something like that.  Spend at least…

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Hoo boy. It’s been a week. Let’s just jump right in, shall we? Last Week Revise at least 10 chapters of Tavi Spend at least 4 hours with Victoria Read Things in Jars by Jess Kidd How’d I Do? Revise at least 10 chapters of Tavi Yep! The revision process continues to go smoothly and make me very happy. But, we’re quickly approaching the middle, so we’ll see if that holds. Spend at least 4 hours with Victoria Oh… oh no. I spent about an hour on Victoria this week. I’m having a pretty hard time getting my butt in the chair for this project. Read Things in Jars by Jess Kidd I mean, I did read it, I just haven’t finished it yet. I’m planning to get some serious reading time in tonight, and might have to finish it on my lunch break tomorrow. Weekly Word Count: 1,045 So,…

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It started out fine, if a little stressful. We rushed to checkout chromebooks to every student, just in case we needed to make the move to distance learning. It was a mad-dash day, but it went pretty well all things considered. I’m proud of that work, and the people who helped make the day a success.  Then Wednesday hit and I didn’t feel right. Not bad, per se. Not necessarily sick, but I felt like I’d smoked a pack of cigarettes in my sleep. As the day wore on and the feeling didn’t abate, I made the decision to leave work and be safe. Two years into this pandemic I had my first COVID test on Thursday. I don’t have results yet, but after a few days of mild body aches, some tightness in my lungs, and stuffy/runny nose, and absolutely exhausted, I am feeling much improved today. I don’t…

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I can’t believe the first week of January is gone already. It feels like Christmas was forever ago, and yet this week felt so short? I really dislike how skewed my perception of time is in this pandemic age. It was a busy week back at work. We’re prepping for the inevitable switch back to distance learning, which means I have a lot on my plate right now. As the Librarian, it’s my job to basically plan and coordinate technology, textbook, and class materials distribution. And, when I get a moment to breathe, facilitate curbside pick-up of fun library books and record video book reviews for students. But, that’s the fun stuff that can’t happen until all the bigger, more tedious projects are complete.  Speaking of projects, we’ve got some goals to discuss! Week #1 Goals Revise at least ten chapters of Tavi Finish The Woman in the Woods Spend four hours…

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Ok. All right. I know I said I was moving to my own website because I was sick of the Gutenberg Editor Block bullshit. I complained about WordPress.com, a lot. And I don’t take back ANY of those complaints. They’re valid. That being said, building my own site and coding it and trying to set up a newsletter has been so incredibly difficult. Gang, I am not “bad at computers” as my mother would say. I’m relatively technologically inclined.  I’m a millennial who grew up coding her myspace page to include music and gifs before all of those things were simple.  Setting up this newsletter sign up about gave me an aneurysm. It’s supposed to be easy, which it wasn’t, which is why it made me so incredibly frustrated. Don’t tell me it’s easy and then have the entire functionality of your plugin just NOT WORK. I’m looking at you…

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All in all, 2021 was a slightly less raging trash-fire than 2020. I’m feeling a lot better at the end of this year than I did in December 2020, and I am so incredibly grateful for that. The intention for 2021 was COMMIT… which I then wrote on my whiteboard as “reCOMMIT” because my creative output was so inconsistent. I’m not sure how I feel about this. I don’t know if I really recommitted this year, but I feel committed as of this writing? So… a win? Mixed Success? All right. So what were these goals I was supposed to commit to? Revise Tavi I want to call this book DONE no later than October 1, 2021. That’s nine months to revise and rewrite and polish. I feel like that is plenty of time Read 52 books (1 writing craft book/quarter) Pretty straightforward. I want to read more this coming year…

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