Tag Archives: revising

Yes, yes. I’m aware that it’s Sunday. I know! I know I usually post these summaries on Mondays. But my “week” starts on Sunday, so I always write these things on Sunday, I just don’t usually post them until Monday. So, psych! I gotcha! Honestly, though, I don’t know if I’m just ahead of the of the game because I’ve been stuck in the house all week (Trev tested positive for COVID on Wednesday), or if I’d be this motivated (writing-wise) even if I could run to the grocery store. Quarantining sucks, but I’m making the most of it, I guess. It’s been a doozy of a week, so let’s get into it! Last Week Revise >30 chapters of Something Sulfurous Write >500 words of Victoria Revise and submit The Finest Creation of an Artful God Keep working on fics Record Podcast Episode How’d I Do? Revise >30 chapters of Something Sulfurous No. BUT,…

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Well, damn. A whole month gone already? I always feel like time goes entirely too fast, but add in the pandemic’s particular brand of time blindness and realizing the date can be downright bewildering. I feel like January was an unusually good month for me. It’s been a long time since I’ve been this consistently productive. I don’t want to jinx it, but I think… I think I’m back! January Revise Tavi Write 5k words Read at least three books How’d I Do? Revise Tavi YES! YES YES YESYESYES! I did it! I not only finished revisions on time, but also got them entered into the computer, compiled in a single doc, formatted, and sent to my beta reader tribe! Write 5k words Nope. It wasn’t nothing, just not quite 5k. While I’m happy that I was able to get some words down, I’m largely disappointed with my drafting output…

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Blogland, I’m tired. I’m writing this post after spending the better part of four hours revising Tavi. My brain is mush. In the best possible way. As far as the week went, it was mostly decent. I got to host a program in the library, which was relatively well attended, and I got to do my Pop-Up Library on Friday. The Husbando and I have been enjoying going out to eat again, and i spent an entire evening with my best friend. It was a good week for me as a person.  But, was it a good week for my writing? Let’s find out! Last Week Revise at least 10 chapters of Tavi Spend at least 4 hours with Victoria Finish reading Things in Jars and read The Last Graduate by Naomi Novik How’d I Do? Revise at least 10 chapters of Tavi Yes! I actually binged and got 20(?) done. Something like that.  Spend at least…

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