Tag Archives: reading challenge

Gang. This week? Absolutely nuttters. Nothing has gone as expected, and as someone utterly reliant upon their routines, it’s been A LOT.  Let’s dive in, shall we? Last Week Write 3x #StoryADay Read a book Return to Routine How’d I Do? Write 3x Yes! #StoryADay As of this writing, I am two days behind, but I’ll get caught up – I pinky promise! Read a book Yep! I finished reading The Fire Opal Mechanism this week.  Return to Routine Yes! Somehow, impossibly, I’ve stuck to the routine this week.  Weekly Word Count: 4,645 Look, for any other week’s metric, this is a bomb-ass week. But this was my last “normal” week of the month and I really wanted to cross the 10k mark on the book. It would have been the most advantageous jumping off point for my spring break writing retreat. But… That spring break writing retreat has quickly…

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Hi.  I’m sorry this is so late. These past two weeks have completely smashed my routines into little, shiny fragments. And without my routines, things like accountability posts tend to fall by the wayside. You’ll also notice that, again, there’s no Outings! post this week. Yeah. I’ll get into the reason for that in a bit.  But first, let’s look at some goals. Last Week Write 3x Keep reading Tidy up office (for realsies this time) How’d I Do? Write 3x Yep! It wasn’t all on the novel, but my butt was in the chair three times last week! Keep reading Yep! Tidy up office (for realsies this time) Hahahahahahahahaha *sobs* Weekly Word Count: 5,309 Okay, so if all the writing wasn’t on the novel, what was I working on? Well, there was a big chunk of words spent on an emotional support chapter of fanfic. And then another chunk…

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