Tag Archives: querying

It’s the 4th of July, which means exactly one thing: I must listen to “4th of July” by Soundgarden today. That’s it. That is the one thing that MUST happen today. In fact, it’s happening right now! Any other “celebrations” will not be had. I may even be a real curmudgeon and complain loudly about amateur fireworks and the inherent danger of letting drunk people blow things up, you know, as a treat. It’s the least I deserve as a newly minted second class citizen in this “great country.”  ANYWAY! Let’s talk goals! Last Week Finish Something Sulfurous Read two books by July 1st Post a chapter of fanfic Look at old short stories How’d I Do? Finish Something Sulfurous Yep. Yep yep yep! It is done and the first round of queries have been sent! Read two books by July 1st Yes! Thanks(?) to a migraine, I listened to an audiobook…

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I know it’s been literal months since I’ve done a Goals Summary post, but I’ve spent more time in my office this week than I have in forever. And if I stare at this whiteboard long enough, I naturally want to write goals all over it. So, that’s exactly what I did on Wednesday — write goals for the remainder of the week. Last Week Edit and post podcast episode Revise/finalize query package Revision #2 of The Finest Creation of an Artful God Read something How’d I do? Edit and post podcast episode Yep! The newest episode of Top Shelf Librarians is out now — listen here! Revise/finalize query package Nope. But, to be fair, I only refocused on this goal this week. I plan to get it done by June 1st. Revision #2 of The Finest Creation of an Artful God Yep! Officially on its third draft, I’ve sent…

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Time is a construct, and nothing quite drives the point home like the shortest month of the year in the third year of a pandemic, with a highly anticipated game release capped off with the start of a war in Europe.  God damn.  And yet, here we are, living our lives and talking about dreams and goals. Call it futile. Call it resilient. Call it whatever, I guess. I’m just caling it past due. Let’s get this show on the road! February Spend at least 16 hours with Victoria  Prep Tavi Query Letter and Synopses Read four books How’d I Do? Spend at least 16 hours with Victoria …. *sobs* Prep Tavi Query Letter and Synopses Yes! I’m doing some more revisions this week, but rough drafts were finished and even revised some in February! Read four books Close! Three books and most of a fourth. Not too shabby! Total Word Count: 3,541 Hours Check Here’s…

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I know, I know, this is late. But with the holiday and a highly anticipated video game released on Friday, my schedules and routines have been severely impacted. There’s lots I forgot to do, and the weekly update was one of them. Sorry.  (ALSO, Horizon Forbidden West is amazing and I have zero regrets.) Last Week Send Query + Synopsis to Mentor Spend at least 2 hours with Victoria Read The Secret Skin by Wendy N. Wagner How’d I Do? Send Query + Synopsis to Mentor Yep! This was a big challenge — synopses are not my fave — but I got it done.  Spend at least 2 hours with Victoria So close! I spent about an hour and a half on Victoria this week, and I’m calling it a win. It’s output and it’s consistent. Win. Read The Secret Skin by Wendy N. Wagner Yep! It was quite good, creepy in all the best ways…

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