Tag Archives: queries

It’s Monday morning. You know what that means! We have things to talk about, so let’s get to it! Last Week Write at least 2x Writing Admin Catch up (Queries + Submissions) Read Something How’d I Do? Write at least 2x Yes! While it wasn’t for as long as I’d like, or ended in a thrilling word count, my butt was in the chair, noveling, twice this week. Writing Admin Catch up (Queries + Submissions) Yes! I’ve got a pretty good process in place for both querying and submitting short stories, so this only took a couple of hours. I’m glad to get back on track! Read Something Yes! I actually read two somethings! Dragon Age: The Missing #4 and Steering the Craft by Ursula LeGuin. Hooray! Weekly Word Count: 1,828 Now, that’s what I’m talking about! I love weeks where everything gets done, where all my red-inked goals become…

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