Tag Archives: productivity

This is it. The last Friday of my summer break. I go back to work on Monday… I have a lot of feelings about that. A lot of them are good. I’m excited to meet our new staff members and reunite with co-workers I haven’t seen since June. There will be tales of summer adventures, healing sunburns, and summer-bloomed freckles. And so many smiles.  But I can’t deny a building sense of dread. It isn’t the work itself that I’m dreading, I genuinely like my job. Buying and processing books, helping teens find their next favorite book, and working with our Associated Student Body to make our school a place kids want to be. These are all amazing things I get to do for 198 days a year. But…  Going back to work means I’m no longer just a writer. It means that I have to schedule writing time into…

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*GASP* Another blog post? On time? Maybe that weekend at the coast knocked something loose and got my butt in gear… one can only hope. May Goals Finish Tavi (Something Sulfurous) Revision Finalize Query Package Submit The Finest Creation of an Artful God How’d I Do? Finish Tavi (Something Sulfurous) Revision Nope. But I am working on it now and am a few chapters in.  Finalize Query Package YES!!!! Yes. Yes. Yes. YES! This is done and just waiting for the manuscript to be “done” so I can start querying! SO. CLOSE. Submit The Finest Creation of an Artful God *sigh* No. But again, I’m close. Just need to harass my beta readers and get some feedback to be sure it’s ready to send.  Total Word Count: 1,208 That… doesn’t feel great. That word count could be a lot higher. But… it just isn’t. My brain was in revision mode,…

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