Tag Archives: pnwonderland

Gang! It’s Monday! You know what that means? Yeah you do – it’s blog time! Last Week Finish a chapter of HFW fic Finish The Secret Ingredient Read a book Finish The Hard Decisions How’d I Do? Finish a chapter of HFW fic Nope. I looked at it a couple of times, and reread the whole fic so far to get back into the story. But I didn’t put any words down on it this week. Finish The Secret Ingredient Yes! I’d thought the story had fizzled, but I sat down to it and the ending wrote itself in an hour. That was really nice. Read a book No. I’ve been playing video games in my non-writing time… Finish The Hard Decisions No… Didn’t even look at it this week. Weekly Word Count: 608 Well… that’s not much writing. Or progress. Or much of anything. So what the heck DID happen last week? Honorable…

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