Tag Archives: novella

Okay.  Look.  This post is late, and I’m also running late on my final proof for Victoria, so I’m gonna keep this brief. Last Week Victoria Revision #2 Read/workout 30 minutes a day Edit + post podcast Survive Homecoming Week How’d I Do? Victoria Revision #2 Yes! All the substantial edits are done, and now I’m in the proofing process. Wooo! Read/workout 30 minutes a day Yes! It was a very active and busy week, and I definitely burned some serious calories.  Edit + post podcast Yep and yep. The new episode is out now! Have you listened in yet? Survive Homecoming Week I’m here, typing, so I guess I survived? I’m still exhausted and vaguely sore (from dancing for 3 hours straight), but it’s over. I made it! Weekly Word Count: 0 Honestly? The week was such a blur, I have basically nothing to say by way of reflection. Last week…

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