Tag Archives: not writing related

It’s Friday, the last of my non-work days for the school year, and I’m sitting here after breakfast, sipping coffee and reflecting. I know it’s been a while, Blogland, and there’s good(?) reason. The not-so-good reason is my ongoing obsession with Horizon Forbidden West. Another reason was Spring Break (we’ll catch up on that soon). But the biggest reason is… I started treatment for ADHD. The week I started taking my meds I happened to have one of the worst migraines in recent history, which (long story short) led to a dental issue that had me in pretty bad pain for a week. I’m good now, it was much easier to resolve than I feared, and all is well. But it made my first week on meds pretty atypical. I couldn’t really properly analyze how the meds were affecting me while I was in so much pain. So this week…

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