Tag Archives: Newsletter

I spent some high quality time at the Oregon Coast today. I’m sore, my skin is flush with fresh sun, and I am more than a little sleepy. So let’s just get to it, shall we? Last Week Write at least 2x Edit & schedule Podcast Send Newsletter Read something How’d I Do? Write at least 2x Nope. Edit & schedule Podcast Yes! The newest episode of Top Shelf Librarians is out now! Send Newsletter Yep! It hit your inbox last night. If you haven’t signed up yet, do it now! Read something Yep! I finished listening to an audiobook this week. Weekly Word Count: 703 Well, that’s not nothing. But those words didn’t go toward the novel… Ughhhhhhhhhhh. Okay, but seriously. It was a horrifically busy week and I knew that my odds of getting anything meaningful done were slim. That three out of four goals were completed should…

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Not gonna lie… this month feels like it dragged on for.e..v…e….r…… May is hell month in the education world, where everyone is burnt out and over it, wishing that everything would just slow the eff down as it inevitably hurtles toward a finish line everyone wants and no one is ready for.  So, yeah. A great time to try and write a book! Last Month Finish the novel Return to blogging schedule How’d I Do? Finish the novel LOL. No. Return to blogging schedule Yes? I feel like I made a pretty good effort at getting the blog back on track. Total Word Count: 5,544 This was an absolutely unhinged month. I feel like I only have glimpses of the things that happened, or the stuff that I did. I can’t grab onto any one thing as concrete. Other than my Story Hour reading, mainly because it was recent and…

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This post is late, as is the newsletter. Lemme tell you why. I just had the worst migraine I have had in almost 5 years. I know for a fact I have not had a migraine with vomiting in at least 4 years. This one had me either in bed, on the couch, or hunched around a toilet bowl.  I haven’t been able to eat anything other than broth for the past 72 hours. I’ve barely kept water and gatorade down. I haven’t brushed my teeth because of the gag factor and because I couldn’t physically bend over the sink without wanting to cry/die. Today I’m doing much better. There’s still a twinge in the left side of my head as the migraine slowly makes its way out, and I am weak from all the puking and not eating. Putting a load of laundry in this morning had my heart…

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