Tag Archives: national novel writing months

I’m tired, Blogland. I’m finally resurfacing after a long weekend, topped with travel mishaps and drizzled in a migraine. It’s been a doozy of the last few days and I damn near forgot what day it was. You know, as in tomorrow is December somehow.  Like, fore real though. How is it December already?! Last Month Write 50k words (+/- 5k) Workout/Read 30 minutes a day Enjoy Family Time How’d I Do? Write 50k words (+/- 5k) Nope. Workout/Read 30 minutes a day Nope. Enjoy Family Time Yes? Total Word Count: 37,661 Ok. Real talk. I KNOW that almost 40k words in 30 days is impressive. I know that. I know that I should be thrilled with this kind of output, and somewhere deep down inside, I think I am proud and pleased with the work I’ve put in this month. But as of right now, all I feel is…

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