Goals Summary 2022 – Wk #43
Remember last week, when I said I was feeling good? Prepared? *sobs* Last Week Prep Newsletter Nanowrimo Prep Record Podcast Workout/Read 30 minutes a day How’d I Do? Prep Newsletter Nope. Nanowrimo Prep No. Record Podcast No. Workout/Read 30 minutes a day Nope. Weekly Word Count: 0 If you’re looking at this and thinking, “damn B., what the hell happened?” That’s fair. i’ll tell you what happened… one of the worst migraines I’ve had in a long time. It struck Wednesday night after I got my hair done for the first time in months. I don’t know exactly what caused it, but I’m guessing a perfect storm of triggers: strong scents from the hair salon Long period of time without my glasses while getting hair colored and cut change in barometric pressure as Fall weather looms in the valley probably not enough water that day I hadn’t had a migraine…
Nanowrimo Prep 101
National Novel Writing Month (aka Nanowrimo) is right around the corner! If you’re thinking, “B., you write novels (and novellas and short stories and microfiction and and and) year-round! What’s so special about November?” You’re not wrong. But Nanowrimo almost feels like a celebration of novelling. It’s a hectic time of year when it’s so easy to put personal projects aside, and instead writers come together to take on the massive challenge of writing a novel in just one (short) month. In November there’s write-ins and sprints and parties, both locally and online. It’s a chance to work in tandem with like-minded folks that rarely seems to come up any other time of year. This might come as a shock to you, but writing can be a pretty lonesome activity. Any excuse to get together with some sort of writing activity is as good as gold to us. So, YAY…