Tag Archives: microfiction

This post is late, as is the newsletter. Lemme tell you why. I just had the worst migraine I have had in almost 5 years. I know for a fact I have not had a migraine with vomiting in at least 4 years. This one had me either in bed, on the couch, or hunched around a toilet bowl.  I haven’t been able to eat anything other than broth for the past 72 hours. I’ve barely kept water and gatorade down. I haven’t brushed my teeth because of the gag factor and because I couldn’t physically bend over the sink without wanting to cry/die. Today I’m doing much better. There’s still a twinge in the left side of my head as the migraine slowly makes its way out, and I am weak from all the puking and not eating. Putting a load of laundry in this morning had my heart…

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I know it’s been a minute. Sorry about that, but I can explain. Basically, the last week of school before Winter Break is utter insanity. I worked almost 6 hours on Saturday, had to help choreograph a dance, got up early each day to prep for a Secret Santa gift exchange, and had dress up days, dance rehearsals, and prep for an assembly.  By the time I got home each day, I had no bandwidth left to do anything even remotely writing related. So, I didn’t fight it. I just survived the week. Sometimes, that’s all you can ask of yourself. Last… Week? Write 5,000 words Read a book Workout at least 4 times How’d I Do? Write 5,000 words No. Read a book … yes? Workout at least 4 times Lol, no. Weekly Word Count: 0 Look, as I mentioned above, I basically took the week off from all…

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