Tag Archives: life change

Look. I don’t have a fancy excuse, or really any excuse, for the lack of posts and updates (and that super late Newsletter – it’s coming, I promise!). The brutally honest point of the matter is… I’ve been overwhelmed with a combination of home renovations, starting a new job, and gearing up for the Willamette Writers Conference (that I didn’t even get to go to – but more on that later).  It’s been a bit of a shit show over here. But, there is some good news! The house is DONE! There are no more contractors, no looming work to be done, and we can finally just enjoy our new home. We did end up buying a new dishwasher that’s yet to be installed, but that’s getting done TONIGHT! The new job is going incredibly well and I am VERY optimistic that this could be a job I retire from.…

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It’s Friday, the last of my non-work days for the school year, and I’m sitting here after breakfast, sipping coffee and reflecting. I know it’s been a while, Blogland, and there’s good(?) reason. The not-so-good reason is my ongoing obsession with Horizon Forbidden West. Another reason was Spring Break (we’ll catch up on that soon). But the biggest reason is… I started treatment for ADHD. The week I started taking my meds I happened to have one of the worst migraines in recent history, which (long story short) led to a dental issue that had me in pretty bad pain for a week. I’m good now, it was much easier to resolve than I feared, and all is well. But it made my first week on meds pretty atypical. I couldn’t really properly analyze how the meds were affecting me while I was in so much pain. So this week…

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