Tag Archives: Life Beyond Us

Not gonna lie… this month feels like it dragged on for.e..v…e….r…… May is hell month in the education world, where everyone is burnt out and over it, wishing that everything would just slow the eff down as it inevitably hurtles toward a finish line everyone wants and no one is ready for.  So, yeah. A great time to try and write a book! Last Month Finish the novel Return to blogging schedule How’d I Do? Finish the novel LOL. No. Return to blogging schedule Yes? I feel like I made a pretty good effort at getting the blog back on track. Total Word Count: 5,544 This was an absolutely unhinged month. I feel like I only have glimpses of the things that happened, or the stuff that I did. I can’t grab onto any one thing as concrete. Other than my Story Hour reading, mainly because it was recent and…

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Well, this isn’t ideal. But, better late than never, yes? Last Week Write 3x Record Podcast Finish reading something Newsletter Prep How’d I Do? Write 3x No. But I did write once, which is better than prior weeks.  Record Podcast Yes! Finish reading something Yes! Newsletter Prep Lol, no.  Weekly Word Count: 1,150 Look. Two out of four isn’t the worst. There was a lot on my plate last week, and if you’ve read the most recent Recap, you know that April just wasn’t a gret month for productivity. Or schedules. Or, you know, the writing life in general.  Honorable Mentions There was some good last week though. I wrote a little, read a little. Saw friends and had a delicious meal outside of our half-demolished house. I spent time in the sun at the Terroir Creative Writing Festival, sharing lunch, a car ride, and good vibes with my critique…

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It’s been a wild, whirlwind couple of weeks, so let’s just skip the niceties and get right to it.  Last (?) Week Write 3x Edit and Schedule Podcast Read Something Survive the week How’d I Do? Write 3x Lol. No. Edit and Schedule Podcast Yes! The new episode is out now! Have you listened yet? Read Something No. Or at least, I didn’t finish reading anything. But I am reading again so that’s good news! Survive the week Yes. I am here, writing to you, so I did in fact survive. Weekly(?) Word Count: 0 Look. It was a busy week by any standards. Add the whole displaced from our home stress, and really… how did I think I’d accomplish anything? There is some good news though! We decided last Sunday to move back home and just cope with some discomfort for a few weeks until our hot water heater…

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February’s come and gone in a flurry of snow days and frozen cul-de-sacs. I spent the dreariest of months consuming television and movies, reading an insane amount of all kinds of books, and writing. An actually decent amount of writing.  But don’t just take my introduction as proof! Let’s look at the stats! Last Month Write at least 3x/week Read 4 books Keep on schedule How’d I Do? Write at least 3x/week Nope. I wrote two times a week, every week in February though! Read 4 books Yep! Actually, I doubled it – I read EIGHT books in February! Keep on schedule Yes? Aside from not writing the three times I week I wanted to, having a set schedule for writing, blogging, and marketing has been critical to my consistent output this month.  Total Word Count: 11,787 In true February fashion, the month went by in a blur of snow…

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