Tag Archives: hyperfocus

Look. Drafting Victoria has been very slow, okay? It’s just a weird book. It doesn’t call to me the way other drafts have. It makes no demands. When I do sit down to work on it, it flows out of me without much effort at all, which is amazing! But, with my delightful ADHD brain, sitting down to work on something that isn’t obsessing me is honestly painful.  Once I’m there, it’s fine. I put on my headphones, jam out to my baller playlist (listen here!), and hammer out some words. But getting there is HARD. The other night I wrote in a whirlwind and wound up with almost 1300 words. A great evening of output, to be sure. So what did I do? Nope.  Unh-uh. Not that either… What’s that? “Play Horizon Forbidden West?” DING DING DING! When it comes to my brain, rewards don’t really work. They become…

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