Tag Archives: homeownership

Today is a slow day. A day spent sleeping in and watching robins hunt for worms in the front yard. We were out late last night, singing karaoke with friends until the bar closed. Like we’re still in our twenties. We are not. Trev’s had the worst of it, while I feel fine other than a slightly sensitive stomach and hoarseness I haven’t felt in a long time. I love karaoke, y’all. Like, a lot a lot. And when I go, I go hard. If I’m not a little raspier the next day, did I even have fun? Point is, we had fun, and we’re paying for it now. So while it’s quiet, let’s talk about goals, shall we? Last Week Write at least 3x Send Newsletter Keep reading Edit + Schedule Podcast Tidy up office (lol) How’d I Do? Write at least 3x Yes! It wasn’t all on the…

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