Tag Archives: home repair

Look. I don’t have a fancy excuse, or really any excuse, for the lack of posts and updates (and that super late Newsletter – it’s coming, I promise!). The brutally honest point of the matter is… I’ve been overwhelmed with a combination of home renovations, starting a new job, and gearing up for the Willamette Writers Conference (that I didn’t even get to go to – but more on that later).  It’s been a bit of a shit show over here. But, there is some good news! The house is DONE! There are no more contractors, no looming work to be done, and we can finally just enjoy our new home. We did end up buying a new dishwasher that’s yet to be installed, but that’s getting done TONIGHT! The new job is going incredibly well and I am VERY optimistic that this could be a job I retire from.…

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So, you’re probably thinking, “B. You didn’t set any goals last week. Or, for the last four weeks, actually… where have you been?!”  And firstly, yeahhhhhh. Sorry about that. You can read up on my absence in my recent Monthly Recap post.  And secondly, joke’s on you, I DID set goals last week! I just forgot to post about them.  So, there! Last Week Write something Read something Enjoy my “summer” How’d I Do? Write something Yep. Wrote a bit on that short story I’ve been stewing on for forever.  Read something Read a lot of things, actually. Like, four things.  Enjoy my “summer” It’s been pretty chill so far. Lots of gardening and reading and drinking iced coffee. I dig it.  Weekly Word Count: 1,267 So, yeah. I did stuff. We also had a LOT of work done on the house last week, which can account for some of…

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It’s been a wild, whirlwind couple of weeks, so let’s just skip the niceties and get right to it.  Last (?) Week Write 3x Edit and Schedule Podcast Read Something Survive the week How’d I Do? Write 3x Lol. No. Edit and Schedule Podcast Yes! The new episode is out now! Have you listened yet? Read Something No. Or at least, I didn’t finish reading anything. But I am reading again so that’s good news! Survive the week Yes. I am here, writing to you, so I did in fact survive. Weekly(?) Word Count: 0 Look. It was a busy week by any standards. Add the whole displaced from our home stress, and really… how did I think I’d accomplish anything? There is some good news though! We decided last Sunday to move back home and just cope with some discomfort for a few weeks until our hot water heater…

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Hi.  I’m sorry this is so late. These past two weeks have completely smashed my routines into little, shiny fragments. And without my routines, things like accountability posts tend to fall by the wayside. You’ll also notice that, again, there’s no Outings! post this week. Yeah. I’ll get into the reason for that in a bit.  But first, let’s look at some goals. Last Week Write 3x Keep reading Tidy up office (for realsies this time) How’d I Do? Write 3x Yep! It wasn’t all on the novel, but my butt was in the chair three times last week! Keep reading Yep! Tidy up office (for realsies this time) Hahahahahahahahaha *sobs* Weekly Word Count: 5,309 Okay, so if all the writing wasn’t on the novel, what was I working on? Well, there was a big chunk of words spent on an emotional support chapter of fanfic. And then another chunk…

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