Tag Archives: goodreads

The morning started out bright and clear, but by now it’s clouding over in an unassuming, pale gray. No threat of snow or rain lurks in the bellies of these clouds, just a little barrier between us and the sun. I’d be mad at it if it weren’t still February. I can hardly ask for better at this time of year.  And yet I find myself counting down the days ’til spring, my heart clamoring for sunshine and warmth. This is the hardest part of the year, y’all. When so much of the country starts to awaken from its winter slumber and spring unfurls, we get last minute snowfall and freezes, spring delayed until mid-May. We’re entering the homestretch, though. I can feel it. Which means I’m running out of time… Last Week Write <3x this week Organize/Tidy up the office Keep reading How’d I Do? Write <3x this week…

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