Tag Archives: good news

I have news. News I can’t talk about yet. News that I want to talk about, very very badly. I think it feels more important than it is because I *can’t* tell you about it yet. And also because there were a few months there where I really thought my writing life was fizzling out. We all go through that, right? The imposter syndrome? When the words won’t come and the rejections pile up, and a little voice starts to whisper, “maybe you are as bad as you think.” and “maybe this is the end. Just give it up.” But you don’t. You don’t give up. You keep staring at manuscripts and tapping at keys until you meander your way through a book. You open submission emails, swiping away rejections until one finally says, “we really enjoyed this story!” Those emails are a breath of fresh air. Validation when you’re…

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