Tag Archives: get outside

Welcome! To the first installment of an all new blog series, Outings! You can read the full series introduction here, but the gist is this: Each Sunday I’m going to visit a park or trail in my town, and then write up a review to share every Wednesday (basically, I needed an excuse to get outdoors consistently this off-season and I need more photographs for the blog.). The review will include my rating and insights, as well as those of any companions, including my dog, Simon. So buckle up, because this inaugural Outing has set the bar pretty damn high. Croisan Scenic Trail This “pocket” trail is maintained by the Salem Area Trail Alliance, which is a super cool thing I didn’t know existed until just now. This volunteer organization builds, maintains, and advocates for trails in and around our city. Pretty dope.  Now, back to the trail itself.  According…

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