Tag Archives: family stuff

Hey Blogland. I’m writing this from the breakfast bar of my dad’s house in Arizona. Just kidding! After an utterly hellish delay for an absurdly short flight, I’m writing this post from a terminal in Las Vegas. It’s my first visit to the gambling capitol and we’re here for the next ~6 hours while we wait for our connecting flight back home.  The spousal unit is okay with that, because there are literally slot machines in every concourse. Meanwhile I’m suffering a stress relief migraine and nausea. But with nothing better to do until 5am, I thought I ought to at least try to get this blog post done.  Last Week Nano – Keep Pace (43,342 words) Finish reading The Lost Metal Newsletter Prep Workout/read 30 minutes/day How’d I Do? Nano – Keep Pace (43,342 words) Nope. I’m about 5k words behind right now. Finish reading The Lost Metal Yes! It was…

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