Tag Archives: editing tips

Good morning Bloggarts!  As promised, now that I’m “done” with Tavi, I am back to discuss the revision process. I do want to note that I did write a very similar post on the old site back in August, although it also included pre-writing and drafting. So check it out if it’s of interest, otherwise, buckle up for a deep dive on revising novel length works. On Revision Historically, revision has been my least favorite part of the writing process. I (usually) love drafting. It’s the fun, adventurous part when I learn all the things about the world, the characters, and the plot. It’s a tapestry revealing itself one thread at a time.  But revision? Revision is pulling those threads, cutting them, and reassembling them. Revision is a lot of work. It’s solving a puzzle that you designed and realizing you don’t know shit about making puzzles! (A/N: This is…

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