Tag Archives: county parks

Welcome! Welcome back to Outings! a blog series of off-season outdoors adventures. If this is your first foray into this series, I suggest you start here. If you’re an old hand at this, then let’s get on with it! Bonesteele County Park I drove by this park for the first time late last summer. It was all dry grass, crispy and uninviting, but I took note because of its promising location. It’s not actually in our city, but just outside the city limits. Removed enough to seem promising for a mid-winter hike alternative.  Calling this a park seems like a stretch. It’s a field with a copse of conifers at one side. Now, it’s a very big field, and a pretty substantial copse. But there are basically no amenities – just a single bathroom and two picnic tables. Even the trails themselves were less maintained than they were use-hewn into…

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