Tag Archives: city parks

Welcome! I know it’s been a minute since I’ve posted an installment of Outings!. Between the house drama and the incredibly AWFUL weather we’ve been having, it just wasn’t possible to get outdoors.  But today, all that changed. Was the weather nice? No, not especially. But it was above 50º and only misting, so we made a point to get out of the house.  Woodmansee Park A sprawling 30 acres, Woodmansee Park has a little bit of everything. Reservable picnic structure, full soccer field, a 9-Hole disc golf course, children’s playground equipment, two tennis courts, a basketball court, ample woodland trails, and full restrooms!  It’s tucked back off a busier side road, but with so many trees and wide open spaces, you would never guess you’re in the crux of a major thoroughfare. A mix of white oak and douglas fir trees flank a spur of Pringle Creek, bringing a…

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Welcome! As promised, I’m finally back with a new edition of Outings! Sorry for the break, but between some stressful weeks and shit weather, we just haven’t made it outdoors in while. Which, honestly, made today’s walk all the more delightful.  Battle Creek Park Not gonna lie, “Park” is a bit of a misnomer. Is it, technically, a park? Yes. But it’s also, actually, a decommissioned golf course. And while that might sounds janky, it’s actually one of my favorite things about this space.  A quick google this morning told me that Battle Creek Park, formerly a golf course, is now an undeveloped park used primarily for walking. Dig a little deeper, and you’ll learn that the park is slated for development to help restore wetland habitat and thus improve flood plain mitigation. I don’t know why, but that is just super cool to me.  Probably because I think golf…

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Welcome! It’s that time again, Gang! And thankfully, this week we actually got to enjoy a park uninterrupted! If you’re wondering what the heck I’m talking about, please check out last week’s Outings! post. If this is your first time here and you’re wondering what in all hells is an Outings! post, start here.  Clark Creek Park This city park is deceptive as hell. Your odds of simply driving by it are low, since it isn’t on any main street – the street it is on is a winding back street with older houses on larger swathes of land than is common these days. The first time I saw this park I had deliberately decided to get lost and adventure through the city. we’d just moved to Oregon and I had a lot of curiosity about roads that weren’t on a grid like in Phoenix.  I can’t help it, y’all.…

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Welcome! Welcome to Outings! – a weekly blog series where I (and various companions) venture out into the Pacific Northwest winter to explore local parks and trails. If you aren’t caught up with the series thus far, I really recommend starting here, because today’s installment is going to be different.  A whole lot different.  Clark Creek Pa– Nope. We tried to visit this neighborhood park that had been on a radar for a long time. We pulled into the tiny, five-spot lot, the only car and people in sight. It was Superbowl Sunday, and pretty chilly out, so I’d hoped that our later start time – we’d slept in some – wouldn’t negatively affect us.  But, within fifty feet of our car we spotted another walker and their dog coming from the north end of the park. No big deal, I thought. We’ll just turn around and take the park…

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Welcome! Welcome back to another issue(?) of Outings! This week we’re visiting a previously unknown (to us) park despite the less than ideal weather conditions.  Bryan Johnston Park In a sprawling, upper-middle class neighborhood, where all the houses are just various shades of “neutral,” sits Bryan Johnston Park. The view from the on-street parking is of shining playground equipment, concrete picnic tables, and massive, looming conifer trees. It isn’t until you’re on foot, walking down that east-most paved path, that you start to get a sense of the sheer size of the park.  The path turns to bark dust and flows down the hill as the field slopes south into a stand of Western Red Cedars. Then it hooks back west until you climb back up the hill to loop back to the street. Just a little exertion to keep you warm on a day like today.  Back at the…

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Welcome! Welcome back to Outings! – a blog series where I pick a different park/trail each week to experience and review. If you missed last week’s post, it was an actual hike(!) so you’ll definitely want to check it out. This week we’re back to exploring a new-to-us City Park. Let’s get to it! Wendy Kroger Park Tucked back on a side street of a side street, at the crux of a neighborhood and an apartment complex, sits Wendy Kroger City Park. Framed by homes on three sides, it’s west-most side abuts some sort of RV industrial business. Maybe a self-storage? I couldn’t quite tell. Point is, if you didn’t live next door and didn’t know to look for it, you may never know that this park exists. Evidence? Me! I’ve lived in this city for almost eleven years now, and have never once seen or heard of this park.…

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Welcome! That’s right folks! Outings! is back. If this is your first time reading this series, don’t fret. You can read all about it here, but the gist is this: rain or shine, I visit a local park every week and review it. It’s a way to sort of game-ify my mental health and love of the outdoors in an effort to get outside more in the “Off” season. So far, it’s working! So, where did we go this week? Secor Park This park is tucked into a neighborhood, and adjoins the neighboring school’s athletic fields, which helps it seem bigger than it actually is. There are some paved paths leading to the north and south edges of the park and out into the neighborhoods, but most of the trails are narrow bark dust tracks that wander beteween blackberry brambles.  There’s a sizable playground with well-maintained, newer equipment. No lie,…

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Welcome! We kept this week’s walk short and close to home for two reasons: It was freezing and sleeting. It was my birthday, and I didn’t particularly love the idea of spending it freezing in the sleet. Now let’s see if I can keep this blog post just as short… Wes Bennett Park If I asked you to picture a suburban, neighborhood park, odds are you’d imagine something very similar to Wes Bennet Park. It’s set on the corner of a neighborhood block, with tall pine trees creating a sort of barrier between it, the elementary school next door, and the busier street on its west side. It has a sloped, healthy green field outlined in cement walking paths, as well as playground equipment, a splash pad, and half of a basketball court.  It is a gathering place for families and children during the warmer months, and a popular walking…

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Welcome! By the time you read this, I’ll be back in Oregon after a whirlwind trip to Arizona. Fun fact about whirlwind trips: there’s not much time for things like walks and blogs. Luckily for you, your girl planned ahead for this very reason! So, hop on in the Way Back Machine™ with me to a sunny fall day in mid-November when my writing friend, Madhu, and I went for one of our traditional Walk ‘n’ Talks. Bush’s Pasture Park It’s hard to talk about this park without talking about a bit of local history. As the name suggests, this park was once the home of Asahel Bush (who may or may not be a character in my next book) and his family. The house was built in 1882, and includes a gorgeous rose garden and the oldest conservatory west of the Mississippi. It’s a museum and art gallery now,…

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Welcome Another weekend, another urban outdoors adventure! Let’s just get to it, shall we? Hilfiker Park If you’ll recall, I originally planned to visit this park last week. But an adorable old corgi made the attempt less than ideal, so Simon and I went elsewhere. This week we got up bright and early, put on our winter weather gear, and got to the park before anyone else so we could have it all to ourselves! This park claims to be a field with an out and back trail of just over a mile. On the map it shows a straight line leading from one neighborhood to another, so naturally this was what I expected. What I got was a pasture, some trees, and a poorly marked loop trail that, was probably closer to half a mile.  The park entrance is at the dead end of a neighborhood road. You can…

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