Tag Archives: booktalk

A stack of books with a cocktail glass on top, with the words Top Shelf Librarians underneath

It’s a little late, and I do apologize, but there were scheduling conflicts, illnesses, and technical difficulties to overcome. All that said, it’s another doozy of an episode, so enjoy! You can listen here, or over on the Listen page! The Library Pros™ will be back in December, so until then, Happy Holidays and happy reading! BZ

It’s that time folks! Get ready to shatter all your preconceived notions about Librarians, because the Library Pros™ are back, babeyyyyyyy! You can find the new episode (or catch up on our backlog!) on the Listen page, or by clicking this link. And if you like the show, don’t forget to rate and/or review! Enjoy, Blogland!

Well folks, it’s what it says on the tin. The new episode is out today! We brought on a lovely guest (and Library Boss Bitch) so I know you’re going to like this one.  I’m at the Willamette Writers Conference, and having an awesome time getting to finally meet all these wonderful writers I’ve met virtually over the past two years. I’m sure I’ll have a full write up of the weekend out sometime next week. Until then, Blogland enjoy the show and have a great weekend! BZ

With two hosts doing their best Carmen San Diego impressions, the remaining hosts are doing their damndest to get the show back on track.  Buckle up and jump into our time machine with us so we can talk about June! There’s a lot of pirate talk (again) and it’s Pride Month so there’s more than the usual dose of queer content. Enjoy! Ready to have all your preconceived notions about librarians ruined forever? Listen to Top Shelf Librarians here!
