Tag Archives: anxiety

A year already… I mean, it’s actually been a little more than a year, but you get me. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, check out these posts: Treatment – Week 2 Treatment – Six Months My Brain on Back Order Treatment – The Lost Months Caught up? Good! So, where am I at now, a year into being treated for my ADHD? Well, things have settled mostly. I don’t notice when my meds take effect, and I don’t totally notice when they wear off. It’s usually about an hour after they’ve worn off that I notice how chatty I’ve become, how I’m pacing the house, bounding between tasks, or making weird noises/humming bits and pieces of songs at the speed of my brain frantically flipping through every CD I’ve ever owned.  I’ve also found that, while my ability to focus is GREATLY improved while on my…

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Okay, yes. It’s been a little bit longer than six months since I started taking medication for my ADHD. But only by a couple of weeks! This month is always a hectic one, and 2022 has offered no shortage of surprises so far. So I thought it’d be nice to take a step back and look at how these past six-ish months have gone, ADHD-wise. This would be a good opportunity for you to read my initial post about my ADHD treatment journey, if you missed that from way back in April.  What’s It Like? Six months in, my meds are still very effective. I don’t notice the transition in the mornings or afternoons as much anymore, I don’t notice the quiet in my brain like I did those first couple of weeks. It was so foreign to me then, a novelty that couldn’t be ignored. But now it is relief…

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I’m sitting at my “new” desk (twitter followers know what’s up) and feeling unreasonably good considering I have to get up and go to work tomorrow. Let’s ride this good vibe right into a Goals Conversation! Last Week Finish Victoria Revision #1 Read a book Clean/Organize my office How’d I Do? Finish Victoria Revision #1 No. BUT I got about 80% through the first revision. I have to add a chapter in the last act so I slowed down a touch to draft that. Read a book No. Reading has been very slow this week, but I did read for about an hour last night. Clean/Organize my office YES! I spent entirely too much time on this, and basically came up with a whole new layout for my office. And, once I decide on something, I HAVE to do it. Things are moved and though the remodel/makeover isn’t quite complete, I am LOVING it!…

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