Tag Archives: announcements

Yes, I’m aware this post is late. I’m sorry about it, but there just wasn’t much I could do about it. See my most recent post to learn more about where I’ve been this past month. Otherwise, I’m just gonna dive right in. July Goals Finish the book Finish “King Tide” Start book revisions How’d I Do? Finish the book Nope. Finish “King Tide” Yes! Start book revisions lol no. Total Word Count: 5,565 So. I have some thoughts about this. First, that I’m not completely unhappy with that word count. It’s the most I’ve written since March. So obviously something was working. But, I couldn’t maintain it through the rest of the month. Things petered off fast as the start date for my new job loomed closer and closer.  Between that and the house renovations, I only had so much bandwidth for creative endeavors. And by “so much” I…

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A week and a half late isn’t the worst, right? I mean, with everything going on, I’m lowkey surprised I wrote a blog post at all. But I did! And now you get to read it. What a crazy, random happenstance! Last Month Write at least 3x/week Read 4 books Keep on schedule How’d I Do? Write at least 3x/week Nope. I averaged two writing sessions a week, which isn’t bad. Just, not the goal.  Read 4 books Yep! I actually read eight titles last month. Keep on schedule Yes? As well as I reasonably could given the crazy house situation we’ve found ourselves in.  Total Word Count: 16,090 Okay. I’m struggling here. That word count is nutso good. Like, I am STOKED about that number, but all month I felt like I was dragging my feet and standing in place. I felt unmotivated and stuck. How can I write…

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LOLcraft: A Compendium of Eldritch Humor is available now! This anthology of horrific hilarity collects 36 stories, including my short story “Bell Biv Derailed”. If you like snark, grumpy old men, and/or tentacled-moose-monsters, then this is the story for you! When you’re done drying your eyes from laughing so hard, you can then move on to the next story in this Funny Fear Fest.  The book is available in both Kindle eBook and Paperback. Buy it Now!

I know it’s been a minute. Sorry about that, but I can explain. Basically, the last week of school before Winter Break is utter insanity. I worked almost 6 hours on Saturday, had to help choreograph a dance, got up early each day to prep for a Secret Santa gift exchange, and had dress up days, dance rehearsals, and prep for an assembly.  By the time I got home each day, I had no bandwidth left to do anything even remotely writing related. So, I didn’t fight it. I just survived the week. Sometimes, that’s all you can ask of yourself. Last… Week? Write 5,000 words Read a book Workout at least 4 times How’d I Do? Write 5,000 words No. Read a book … yes? Workout at least 4 times Lol, no. Weekly Word Count: 0 Look, as I mentioned above, I basically took the week off from all…

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I posted this sale announcement a few months ago, and I am so so happy to let you all know you can read Lifelike NOW as a part of Wyldblood Press’s Flash Friday Series! “Lifelike” is a spooky little story that waited a long time to find its home. I’m excited for you all to read it, and hope you enjoy it! READ “LIFELIKE” HERE Thank you to Mark at Wyldblood for giving this strange story a shot, and thank you to my readers for all your excitement when I announce good news – it’s always better shared.  Also, I just want to say that waking up to a notification for an email saying your story’s been published is my favorite kind of alarm.  BZ

I have news. News I can’t talk about yet. News that I want to talk about, very very badly. I think it feels more important than it is because I *can’t* tell you about it yet. And also because there were a few months there where I really thought my writing life was fizzling out. We all go through that, right? The imposter syndrome? When the words won’t come and the rejections pile up, and a little voice starts to whisper, “maybe you are as bad as you think.” and “maybe this is the end. Just give it up.” But you don’t. You don’t give up. You keep staring at manuscripts and tapping at keys until you meander your way through a book. You open submission emails, swiping away rejections until one finally says, “we really enjoyed this story!” Those emails are a breath of fresh air. Validation when you’re…

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