Tag Archives: adhd meds

A year already… I mean, it’s actually been a little more than a year, but you get me. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, check out these posts: Treatment – Week 2 Treatment – Six Months My Brain on Back Order Treatment – The Lost Months Caught up? Good! So, where am I at now, a year into being treated for my ADHD? Well, things have settled mostly. I don’t notice when my meds take effect, and I don’t totally notice when they wear off. It’s usually about an hour after they’ve worn off that I notice how chatty I’ve become, how I’m pacing the house, bounding between tasks, or making weird noises/humming bits and pieces of songs at the speed of my brain frantically flipping through every CD I’ve ever owned.  I’ve also found that, while my ability to focus is GREATLY improved while on my…

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This post is the third installment of the unofficial “Treatment” series, in which I discuss my experiences getting diagnosed with and then treating my Adult ADHD. You can read the first post – about getting diagnosed and starting meds – here. The second post was a very enthusiastic six month update, which you can find here.  So what kind of post is this? It’s a continuation of sorts, of the post My Brain on Back Order, in which I was not coping well with being off my meds for six whole days. I went another seven days without any medication before I received  my pharmacy’s alternative offering.  I was prescribed a generic of Ritalin LA, which is usually only prescribed to children under the age of 12. Because of that, its dosages are lower – 10mg capsules as opposed to Concerta’s 18mg capsules. I was given no other directions than…

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If you aren’t aware, the pandemic supply chain issues have led to shortage of many prescription medications. One of which has been ADHD treatments. I watched the wave of dwindling supply sweep through the various medications – Adderall went first, then Ritalin and its numerous variations. And so it reached me. Concerta is on back order with no ETA on when it will be available again.  As of this writing (Friday 12/23/22) This is my sixth consecutive day without my meds. The longest I’ve gone without them since April. I do not like it. I’ve grown too accustomed to having my focus on demand, to pointing my attention to whatever task and completing it.  That simply is not an option now. It’s taken me almost 45 minutes to write this much. My search history of the last hour includes such hits as “Van Gogh bipolar,” “grow light string lights,” and…

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