Another weekend, another urban outdoors adventure! Let’s just get to it, shall we?
Hilfiker Park
If you’ll recall, I originally planned to visit this park last week. But an adorable old corgi made the attempt less than ideal, so Simon and I went elsewhere. This week we got up bright and early, put on our winter weather gear, and got to the park before anyone else so we could have it all to ourselves!
This park claims to be a field with an out and back trail of just over a mile. On the map it shows a straight line leading from one neighborhood to another, so naturally this was what I expected. What I got was a pasture, some trees, and a poorly marked loop trail that, was probably closer to half a mile.
The park entrance is at the dead end of a neighborhood road. You can park on the street, and then just walk into the park. It’s literally just a field that’s encircled by pine trees. The path cuts to the right and leads to multiple forks. You can stay to the left of the trees and walk along the field, or take to different paths through the trees (that eventually combine) and loop back to the field path.
There’s also a third fork that skirts between private property and heads out to another neighborhood street. I don’t think this is part of the park proper, and is more just a convenient path to the park for the folks who live in this different neighborhood. Ironically, this was my favorite part of our walk this morning.
Once you’ve picked a park official path, you reach the “loop” part and realize that there’s actually a two-track path that leads further up the field to another copse of trees. Following this brings you to the end of the field and loops parallel to a fence and a private road. Then you come back down what seems to be a defunct gravel road, past an old structure (maybe a chicken coop?), and across the pasture back to the original loop.
Simon and I walked all of these paths, including the main, official loop twice, and still couldn’t reach a full mile. I’ll also say that, while a peaceful enough walk, I did feel like maybe I shouldn’t have taken that unofficial loop and that I might be trespassing. I was courteous and made sure we left no trace, but still. It felt somewhat disconcerting.
Stats & Specs
This is the part where I break down the park by the numbers!
Park Specs
- Distance: .78 miles. The internet said this was 1.1 miles long, but we even took extra spurs and did an additional half-loop and only got to ~3/4 of a mile.
- Elevation Gain: None/negligible. There’s a portion of the path that cuts through the trees that has a very faint incline, but it wasn’t enough to get the heart pumping.
- Hours: Sunrise to Sunset
- Environment: This is a weird “park” that’s tucked between two different neighborhoods. It’s basically a pasture with some copses of pine trees on either side that someone decided to maintain a path around. That said, it is much quieter than the nearby Morningside Park, there were lots of bird noises and traffic sounds were minimal. There was some airplane engine noise because this park is pretty close to our municipal airport, but overall it felt like a nice little traipse through a field. I felt damn near Austen-esque in this cold, expecting Mr. Darcy to materialize from the mist at any moment! Alas, he did not appear.
- Condition: Okay? The field itself is pocked with molehills, which does make for some tricky footing if you’re not careful. but the path itself is fine. Also, everything was quite frosty and frozen so it’s hard to judge condition beyond… crunchy.
- Popularity: I’d say this is moderately popular. The locals definitely make use of it for walking their dogs, as we saw at least one other dog-walker on both of our visits (remember we tried to come here last week? The old adorable corgi?), and no amount of cold weather seemed to deter them.
- Uses: Walking, primarily for short dog walks. There is a picnic table, but it’s a shabby thing tucked under the tree, and there’s just the one. And with nothing else to offer beyond a trail and an empty field, it isn’t exactly a “fun” park.
My Stats:
- Duration: 25 minutes
- Pace: 32’34”
- Average Heart Rate: 106 BPM
- Max Heart Rate: 150 BPM
- Active Zone Minutes: 4 minutes – 2 in Cardio, 2 in Fat Burn.
- Steps: 1,997
- Calories Burned: 175
My Gear:
- Adidas GalaxyTrail Trail Runners.
- Mystery Columbia Pullover. You know the one.
- Fleece-lined leggings, black.
- Pacific Trail Outdoor Wear Women’s Jacket. It’s pale blue with a gray fleece interior and stow-able hood.
- Salem Ale Works Beanie
- Calvin Klein Gloves.
- This are supposed to have tech-friendly thumbs and index fingers, but I think these gloves are old enough that phones have moved beyond whatever sorcery made these work eight years ago. I brought them, but ended up removing them so I could take pictures…
- This are supposed to have tech-friendly thumbs and index fingers, but I think these gloves are old enough that phones have moved beyond whatever sorcery made these work eight years ago. I brought them, but ended up removing them so I could take pictures…
Simon’s Gear:
- RuffWear Front Range Dog Harness, in Aurora Teal
- RuffWear Knot-a-Leash Rope dog leash, in Aurora Teal
- Pendleton Westerly Dog Sweater
Suggested Gear:
- Any comfy walking shoe. This is a very accessible park with very easy bark dust paths.
- Layers. You should know this by now.

The Verdict
Y’all. I’m not gonna lie. This park kinda sucks. Like, it’s a nice little reprieve, but I’ve barely been adventuring in Salem and already have way better options than this in my walking arsenal. And it lowkey gave me the heebies and I don’t know why.
This one had SOOOOOOO MANY SNIFFS! I think I annoyed Mom a bit with how much I wanted to stop and sniff, but I mean, c’mon, Mom. What else are walkies for? It was pretty short, and those trees at the back were a little spooky, so maybe we don’t have to visit this one all that often?
It’s a field. There’s some trees. And a lot of private property surrounding it. There’s not really anything else to recommend it.
That's a Wrap!
That does it for this week’s Outings! This weekend is going to be a very busy one, so don’t expect to see me around the blog. But I should be back on Monday or maybe Tuesday.
Until then, Bloggarts!