The long weekend (plus a migraine) has thrown my routines for a loop. Several things are behind schedule, this post being one of them. So let’s get down to it!
Last Week
- Write 3x
- Record Podcast
- Prep Newsletter
- Read Something
How'd I Do?
- Write 3x
- Lol, no. But I did brainstorm the next scene, so that’s something?
- Lol, no. But I did brainstorm the next scene, so that’s something?
- Record Podcast
- Yes!
- Prep Newsletter
- No… more on that in a minute.
- Read Something
- Yes!
Weekly Word Count: 0
Okay… So, I was maybe a bit busier than I really acknowledged when I set these goals. I was pretty overwhelmed last week. Overwhelmed enough that I asked to take a break from my critique group until school is out, because I just have too much going on. Overwhelmed enough that I got a migraine this weekend that basically obliterated my to-do list.
Hence, no newsletter went out on Sunday, as planned. Good news? You still have time to sign up! It should be out later this week, probably Sunday. Sorry about the delay.
I did read quite a bit this week, which was nice. And the podcast did happen! I think you’re really going to like this episode, so be sure to listen in this Friday! You can catch up on last month’s episodes here.
And yeah… I didn’t work on the novel at all last week. Basically, by the time I got home each day, I was too mentally exhausted to much else besides replay Banjo-Kazooie for the billionth time. But, as I mentioned above, I know what comes next. I have a direction to go, which is a good sign. I just have to make time to put it down on (virtual) paper.
So, What's Next?
- Write at least 2x
- Edit & schedule Podcast
- Send Newsletter
- Read something
Should look pretty similar to last week. There’s things I need to catch up on, and things that need further attention. While I did spend a good chunk of time outside this weekend (installing a vegetable garden), I don’t have the time this week to work on the book, edit podcast, AND write an Outings! post. Maybe next week?
My biggest focus this week (other than getting the podcast good to go for Friday) is writing as much as I can on the book before the end of the week. I’m already over my self-imposed deadline, but I’m really hopeful that I’m working my way toward the end. I already know this book is going to look VERY different after revisions, so I just need to get to the “end”, take a couple weeks off, and then go back at it with the editorial equivalent of a hacksaw.
Meanwhile I have some sort of event or meeting after school EVERY DAY this week. I’m glad I tried to take it easy this long weekend. I loved every minute spent working in the yard, prepping raised beds that haven’t been cared for in 7+ years. But those few hours of work each morning left me bed-ridden with my migraine the rest of each day…
And that’s it. That’s what’s up. Writing and reading and podcasting and surviving this wild last week for Seniors. Keep me in your thoughts.
So, just to recap, there will be no Outings! post tomorrow, but I do plan to have the Monthly Recap post up on Thursday.
Until then, Bloggos!