It’s Monday. We’re here today, together, to talk about goals. And accomplishments. And fun things. And things that make me want to vomit from anxiety.
You know. The usual.
Last Week
- Write at least twice
- Read something
- Edit and Post The Saga Saga: Volume One
How'd I Do?
- Write at least twice
- No, but… I wrote once for two whole hours and wrote more than I did all last month.
- No, but… I wrote once for two whole hours and wrote more than I did all last month.
- Read something
- Yep!
- Edit and Post The Saga Saga: Volume One
- Yes! You can listen to it now!
Weekly Word Count: 2,256
Last week was a very busy one, with commitments sneaking up on me and taking all sorts of time. And yet, I feel like I accomplished a lot last week. I finally had a breakthrough on the novel, and I’m feeling like I can move forward with it once again. The end is very close now…
I also read a lot last week, finishing three different books. You’ll get to hear all about them next Friday on Top Shelf Librarians!
Honorable Mentions
Wednesday I joined Lora Gray on The Story Hour with Laura Blackwell And Daniel Marcus. The Story Hour started in the midst of the pandemic, a way to bring Speculative Fiction to audiences virtually. It was popular enough that it’s continued for the last three years!
If you missed the livestream, never fear! You can still watch it here!
I also just want to take a moment to thank Laura and Daniel for hosting such a wonderful event, and Lora for being a delightful co-reader! And of course, thank you to everyone who showed up, commented, or messaged me after the fact. I really appreciate your support!
We also went kayaking last weekend, which I already talked about in last week’s Outings! post, but wanted to mention again because it was so fun!
And then I spent Saturday in the sun, detailing my car, which is an oddly relaxing task for me. (It’s no secret I am obsessed with my car, and washing it gives me similar feelings of accomplishment and joy as giving myself a manicure does.)
And that was the week!
So, What's Next?
- Write 3x
- Record Podcast
- Prep Newsletter
- Read Something
This week is all business as I try to get this novel done before the end of the month. I have ten days to write about 8k words. And looking at the last couple of months I’ve had, this sort of output just isn’t likely. And… looking at the week ahead, I don’t have the sort of time that I would need to write that much.
None of those things takes into account just how badly I want this book done. How badly I NEED this book done. I have to have the month of June away from it, so I can start (what is looking like a pretty extensive revision process) in July. Because I have pitches scheduled at the beginning of August, and I refuse to pitch a rough draft.
So, yeah. I have 10 days to finish my novel…
I gotta go.
P.S. I’ll be back on Wednesday with another Outings! post. Pinky promise.