It’s Monday morning. You know what that means! We have things to talk about, so let’s get to it!
Last Week
- Write at least 2x
- Writing Admin Catch up (Queries + Submissions)
- Read Something
How'd I Do?
- Write at least 2x
- Yes! While it wasn’t for as long as I’d like, or ended in a thrilling word count, my butt was in the chair, noveling, twice this week.
- Yes! While it wasn’t for as long as I’d like, or ended in a thrilling word count, my butt was in the chair, noveling, twice this week.
- Writing Admin Catch up (Queries + Submissions)
- Yes! I’ve got a pretty good process in place for both querying and submitting short stories, so this only took a couple of hours. I’m glad to get back on track!
- Read Something
- Yes! I actually read two somethings! Dragon Age: The Missing #4 and Steering the Craft by Ursula LeGuin. Hooray!
Weekly Word Count: 1,828
Now, that’s what I’m talking about! I love weeks where everything gets done, where all my red-inked goals become black pen accomplishments on my whiteboard. It’s just very, very satisfying. Was this week a little straightforward? Sure, but I’m at a point in my life where straightforward is the best I can manage.
Goal setting is all about small, attainable goals taking steps toward the larger, more intimidating goal. And right now, these are baby steps as I work my way back into my routines and my work.
So, hell. yes. I am happy with this week’s output!
Honorable Mentions
Adventure season is officially here and I am LOVING it. A hike last week, and this week we went kayaking for the first time in over a year. We kept it close to home, since it was the first time loading kayaks on the roof rack, so keep an eye out for this week’s Outings! to read all about it!
It was Mother’s Day yesterday, so we spent time with family, and I facetimed with my mom back in Arizona. It’s always nice to touch base – my mom and I can talk for HOURS about anything and everything.
I also spent a chunk of time this week prepping for Story Hour. I’ll be reading for about 25 minutes, live and virtual, on Zoom and Facebook THIS WEDNESDAY at 7pm PST. You can learn more here!
And, really, I gotta give it up to the real MVP of last week: The Sun! Thanks for finally showing up… In Mid-May.
So, What's Next?
- Write at least twice
- Read something
- Edit and Post The Saga Saga: Volume One
This week is a much calmer one, work-wise. I’m hoping that means I can settle in and buckle down and all those other little colloquialisms that mean “get shit done”. I’ve scheduled two writing sessions for this week, with some flexibility on Saturday (though, let’s face it – I’m terrible at writing on the weekends).
I’ve got a couple possible books queued up for this week, both novellas. we’ll see which one wins out. Or… maybe I’ll read them both? Who knows?!
Which brings us to The Saga Saga… If this means absolutely nothing to you, then please, go listen to the newest episode of Top Shelf Librarians. We’ve got a whole-ass spinoff series y’all! Heather and I are rereading the entirety of the graphic novel series Saga by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples, and doing a deep dive on each volume once a month. Which means you now get to spend time with the Library Pros twice a month!
The first “volume” releases THIS Friday, so be sure to snag a copy of Saga, Volume One ASAP so you can follow along.
And uhhhh, yeah. That’s the state of things. I’ll be back Wednesday with an Outings! post, and maybe even again later in the week with another little update. Keep an eye on the blog, y’all.
Until then,