Hey Blogland. I’m writing this from the breakfast bar of my dad’s house in Arizona. Just kidding! After an utterly hellish delay for an absurdly short flight, I’m writing this post from a terminal in Las Vegas. It’s my first visit to the gambling capitol and we’re here for the next ~6 hours while we wait for our connecting flight back home.
The spousal unit is okay with that, because there are literally slot machines in every concourse. Meanwhile I’m suffering a stress relief migraine and nausea. But with nothing better to do until 5am, I thought I ought to at least try to get this blog post done.
Last Week
Nano – Keep Pace (43,342 words)
- Finish reading The Lost Metal
- Newsletter Prep
- Workout/read 30 minutes/day
How'd I Do?
- Nano – Keep Pace (43,342 words)
- Nope. I’m about 5k words behind right now.
- Finish reading The Lost Metal
- Yes! It was soooo good.
- Newsletter Prep
- Yes! The newsletter should have arrived in your inbox yesterday!
- Workout/read 30 minutes/day
- LOL, no.
Weekly Word Count: 2,275
I knew this week was going to be a tough one. Not only was it the holiday, but with travel plans, and a lapse in discipline to play a video game, very little got done. But I had a mostly decent, if emotionally difficult weekend with my family. Am I happy that I fell so far behind on my word count goal? Of course not.
But was this time with my family worth taking a break from writing? Yes.
And that’s just going to have to be enough for me to let go of some of my self-imposed guilt. The book will still get written, even if I don’t hit 50k this month. The fact that I’m still so close (~37k as of this writing) is impressive, and evidence that I really can write 50k in a month if I push for it.
And have a clear enough schedule.
What's Next?
- Reach Nano Goal (50k words +/- 5k
- Read The Night Circus
- Read/Workout 30 minutes/day
- Record podcast
That’s it. That’s all I’ve got. And honestly? I don’t have high hopes for this week. Not if we’re not getting home until mid-morning tomorrow, I have an extra long weekend worth of work to catch up on, and I have a migraine on top of that. It will take a serious force of will to make these things happen this week.
And at this moment, I am most certainly not feeling it.
Despite this wave of exhaustion and defeatism, I will be back on Wednesday with the regularly scheduled Outings! post, so be on the lookout for that. Until then, please keep us in your thoughts on our long long voyage home.