This week went by quick, a blur of late night writing, bedtime reading, and morning spent in the fog. Throw in a good friend’s nuptials and the spouse down and out with a sprained ankle, and I can hardly tell if I’m coming or going.
Last Week
- Get word count back on track (20,004 words by end of day Saturday)
- Workout/Read 30 minutes a day
- Edit and post podcast
How'd I Do?
- Get word count back on track (20,004 words by end of day Saturday)
- So. I got caught up on Thursday. I even had a tiny bit of cushion. Then Friday was a friend’s wedding, Trev got hurt (he’s okay!), and then Saturday was busy with helping out with the business since Trev’s out of commission for the next week or so thanks to his sprained ankle. So, now I’m behind again.
- I want to call this a mixed success, but I think it’s just a nope. I didn’t reach the word count I needed to by Saturday, so it’s a no. Close, but no cigar.
- So. I got caught up on Thursday. I even had a tiny bit of cushion. Then Friday was a friend’s wedding, Trev got hurt (he’s okay!), and then Saturday was busy with helping out with the business since Trev’s out of commission for the next week or so thanks to his sprained ankle. So, now I’m behind again.
- Workout/Read 30 minutes a day
- Yes! This was an active week, both physically and reading-wise.
- Edit and post podcast
- Yes! The newest episode of Top Shelf Librarians is out now! Have you listened to it yet?
Weekly Word Count: 12,128
There is one thing that needs to mentioned that happened last week:
“Lifelike” Published on Friday!
You can read the official announcement here, or skip that and get to the good stuff: READ IT HERE!
Thank you to everyone who has read it so far, and an extra thanks to everyone who reached out to me to let me know how much they loved it! This story took up space in my head for the better part of six years, and then it took another four years for it to find its home, and thus its way to you. I am so, so happy to know readers enjoy it and that it was worth the wait.
Turns out, perseverance does pay off.
What's Next?
- Nano Catch Up (31,673)
- Finish Reading The Perfect Crimes of Marian Hayes
- Workout/Read for 30 minutes a day
As I said, I’m behind on my word count again. But, I’m not too far off. If I can write about 4k words today (Sunday), then I only need to write a little extra for a couple more days. But, I need to have a pretty considerable cushion during the holiday week…
I need to do some math and set some specific word count goals if I’m going to get enough words down this week.
I’ve been doing quite a lot of reading this month already. Two graphic novels, a Horror novel, and if I can eke it out, a Romance novel. I want to finish The Perfect Crimes of Marian Hayes before Tuesday, because that’s when the new Brandon Sanderson book comes out. I’ve been waiting for The Lost Metal since Bands of Mourning came out way back in 2016. This new book is the conclusion of my favorite series by Sanderson and I will be inhaling it on release day, regardless of what else is on my TBR. So, I need to finish reading the book currently chilling on my nightstand before then.
Which is at least connected to my other goal of reading (or working out) at least 30 minutes a day. I’ve found this to be a pretty easy goal to reach, but I need to keep it on the list because there’s been plenty of days where I’ve talked myself into a workout because I knew I wouldn’t have much time or interest in reading that day. And I have to do one or the other.
And that’s where I’m at. It looks straightforward, but there’s a lot of non-writing things adding pressure to this week. For starters, it’s the only full week of work this month. I have a video to edit together for our assembly on Friday, so keeping motivated and goal-oriented at work is going to vital. Not really my strong suit.
Add that Trev is basically couch-bound means that I’m taking on some of the household responsibilities he would normal handle. So, dinners and chores are on me this week (which is obviously okay. He’s hurt and I’m a grown up, I can make dinners and clean up after us), so that’s more time away from my desk.
That’s all right. I built flexibility in to my month, because this isn’t my first rodeo with National Novel Writing Month. Life finds a way… to fuck up my plans. It never fails. So now I plan for distractions and say a prayer to the NaNo Gods, then sit in my chair and let the words come.
It’s the best I can do.
I’ll be back on Wednesday with the next installment of Outings! Until then, Bloggos!