Someone needs to get ahold of whoever is in charge of time and tell them to take a chill pill. I cannot keep up with this calendar, folks. It’s going TOO FAST! Is Ricky Bobby at the helm of this year or what?
Last Week
- Victoria Revision Pass
- Write 1500 words
- Read 20 minutes a day
- Prep Newsletter
How'd I Do?
- Victoria Revision Pass
- Hahahahaha *sobs* No.
- Hahahahaha *sobs* No.
- Write 1500 words
- Nope.
- Read 20 minutes a day
- Yep! I’m still working my way through The Story of the Hundred Promises, but the Ghost Files series premier came out on Friday and then Trev and I spent Saturday playing silly video games together and split a pizza. I have no regrets.
- Prep Newsletter
- Yes! The newsletter is written and scheduled and will be out before this post is published!
Weekly Word Count: 870
Look. This isn’t the greatest word count ever. But it isn’t zero, so I’m not mad about it. It was a busy work week and a very low energy week for me. I wanted to sleep and veg and read and play piano. That was about it. And I’m cool with that. I’m feeling pretty darn good today and hopeful for the week ahead.
So, What's Next?
- Victoria Revision #2
- Read 20 minutes a day
- Write 1500 words
- Record podcast
This is the part where I really hope that all my relaxing last week pays off this week. Because I basically have one week to get this novella into submission shape. Yes, technically I have two weeks, but I have SO MUCH going on the first week of October (Homecoming Week) that I don’t want to rely on any of that time. It isn’t mine to depend on.
This book HAS to be done by the second week of October. And I’d prefer to have it done before then so I have some breathing time before I launch into research for my Nanowrimo project.
I also have a lot of submissions to catch up on. Literally, at some point last week I wrote about how slow submissions were going and then the NEXT DAY I received three rejections. And I’ve been too tired/wore out/exhausted to do much about them. So, that’s a priority this week – get those stories back out there!
Querying continues to be slow. There’s no changing that. It’s one of the worst times to be querying in, like, all of history, so I’m doing my darnedest not to take it too personally and just roll with the rejections. That’s the writing life for you.
So, that’s what’s up. I’ll see you next time when I can hopefully call this book done and move on with my life.
Until then, Bloggarts!