Hello there, Bloggos. It’s Monday (Sunday for me right now) which means it’s time to talk goals! Let’s go!
Last Week
- Finish Victoria Revision #1
- Write Query Package
- Read a book
- Record Podcast
- Write Newsletter
How'd I Do?
- Finish Victoria Revision #1
- Write Query Package
- Lol. Nope. Not even at all.
- Write Query Package
Read a book
- Yes! I technically read two of them, though only one of them is published. I spent a bit of time beta reading for one of my critique partners this week. But I still managed to finish reading Fevered Star by Rebecca Roanhorse and I absolutely loved it!
- Record Podcast
- Yes!
- Write Newsletter
- Yes!
Weekly Word Count: 444
So, not too shabby after all. I mean, the priority should really be Victoria, obviously, but some other things came up. And as usual with this manuscript… I hate working on it. Okay, hate is a strong word. But I do not find joy in this manuscript, which is weird because I think it’s really good. I think it’s one of the best things I’ve ever written. I just want it to be done so I can move on to the next project. I am very grateful that it’s a standalone, because this isn’t a world I want to revisit.
Other happenings this week was mostly just getting back into the swing of things at work, reading, and stressing out about writing a microfiction piece for the Newsletter. Which I did finish! So hurray!
I also received my edit letter for Bell Biv Derailed. There was very little that needed changing, which is always nice to see, so now that project is one step closer to publication!
What's Next?
- Finish Victoria Revision #1
- Query Package Rough Draft (Letter + Synopsis)
- Read a book
- Edit + post new episode of Top Shelf Librarians
Today (Sunday) is going to be spent finalizing and sending out the Newsletter and then editing the August episode of Top Shelf Librarians. The episode will be live Friday morning, so now is the perfect time to get caught up!
The rest of the week is really for reading and revising. I’m still sitting on the new chapter I’m inserting near the end to answer some questions I missed in the rough draft. I think that’s why I’m cooling my heels a bit on this project – I don’t want to write any new content, because drafting this book has been torture. Revising it has turned out to be more of the same, although slightly less awful.
I can only imagine how not fun writing a query letter and synopsis for it will be.
I’m finally reading Gallant by V.E. Schwab this week. So far I’m enjoying it, which should surprise no one since I’m a Schwab fangirl. After this I’m planning to do a reading tour of friends’ books. On the docket are:
- Distant Trails by Nan C Ballard
- The Deer Kings by Wendy N. Wagner
- Elemental by Whitney Hill
- The Story of the Hundred Promises by Neil Cochrane (an ARC received from Laura Stanfill)
After that, who knows what stories I’ll read. This list will probably get me through September, maybe even into October, so I’ll probably be reading some nonfiction to prep for Nanowrimo. But that’s a conversation for another blog post.
I’ll be back on Thursday for the August Recap and September Goals post. Until then, Blogland!